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 Which Religion that i need to folow? Christian or Buddha or just be None Religion till die??

ofcourse islam. Religion means islam. Icant say about islam .just accept and view result. Inshaallah u will be so happy to get islam religion  (14 years ago)

Hey i just read ur question and i want to say that please follow the religion in which u were born  (14 years ago)

You have to chose Islam if you want to understand why God created us for? (14 years ago)

I want 2 thank u all muslims here. daz it tell him d truth. My brothers & sis. jst keep up.  (14 years ago)

BIBLE Exodus 20:7...."thou shall not take the name Lord the god in Vain,for the Lord will not hold Him guiltless,that take His name in vain"..READ UR BIBLE IDIOT! (14 years ago)

Hi friend...looks like u r so much confused about choosing a religion 2 follow 8-) anyway this is my...............ah....wat 2 say.......neither a recomondation nor an Advice but if i were in ur place i would follow on religion coz i believe that for a particular region v Have only a particular god.....in the other hand for the alternate everything is god...anyway have a nice day... (14 years ago)

Christian the best...I think som people in here stupid..He ask to folow christian or buddha? Not M.U.S.L.I.M (14 years ago)

yes..xiah chun is correct...some people didnot understand the question only..question was which religion 2 follow christian or Buddha....2 kno about God we dont have 2 muslim by any religion also we can know about God...if Allah is real..then even Jesus and Buddha r also real .. (14 years ago)

originaly ..lord Gautama Buddha was da founder Of buddhism..he was born in Lumbini in India recently in Nepal now and Died in Kushinagar..and his teaching were spreaded by emperor Ashoka to srilanka, Tibet, china, Thailand, cambodia and other asian countries...we can know more about it in web.. (14 years ago)

Emperor ASHOKA is almost be the God of korea becoz he sent a bilion of gold to SILLA EMPIRE of the THREE KINGDOM OF KOREA PERIOD... (14 years ago)

i dont know why r u confused in choosing between buddha n cristanity...n why u hav only two option not to other...here r many relegion ...did u study them? (14 years ago)

Im a christian but it löok like im non religion..Budha has many supitisious same to christian..They said Jesus will come in apoclyse and the Four Rider is surounding.... You all dunt undrstand life in Korea (14 years ago)

Im a christian but it löok like im non religion..Budha has many supitisious same to christian..They said Jesus will come in apoclyse and the Four Rider is surounding.... You all dunt undrstand life in Korea (14 years ago)

Bro Sung,hellaluya (14 years ago)

punjabi sikh- u'll enjoy. I'm sure. (14 years ago)

Ya! U want him to join HINDU? He not black indian punjabi..... (14 years ago)

Need not worry my frnd i don't insist or recommmed u 2 follow a particular religion...watever religion u choose all god is same...i believe we have only one heavenly power that we say as god,but call'm with diff names...god's blessing's r for u watever religion u may choose...in my last msg i've made a mistake,i've written on for no...bey 4 now have a nice day (14 years ago)

Hi mixkiss u can choose anything between the two coz every religion insists the same that LOVE IS GOD but whatever religion u may choose either buddhism or christianity u must not hurt the feelings of other religion and must truely follow the religion u choose...show full devotion to god...hav a nice day (14 years ago)

Hi mixkiss u can choose anything between the two coz every religion insists the same that LOVE IS GOD but whatever religion u may choose either buddhism or christianity u must not hurt the feelings of other religion and must truely follow the religion u choose...show full devotion to god...hav a nice day (14 years ago)

I love u all. Love Islam,love christian,Love buddha. As long as i love u,there will no be war  (14 years ago)

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