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 what the girls love in men??

girls luv d nature of boys (13 years ago)

Many girls's Say boys's are stone hearted... Yes itz true,boys's are stone hearted... Because, Anything written on stone will stay forever... (13 years ago)

HmMm. , i doN't havE anytHing to sAy anymOre. , you gUys obviouSly have many opini0ns, betTer to stay quiet. , ^_^ (13 years ago)

^ XxaniholicxX, nevr quit., share your ur opintn abut it.,definitly v vil acpt if u r right., if ma behvr hurtng u den am sory.. (13 years ago)

sm gls lv 4 tym pass, sm gls do love wd boys 4 reasons. Ex. If a girl finds a more handsome guy then her bf, she will leave her bf..n catch the nxt 1 ha ha ha.. What a big player gls r.! (13 years ago)

If u praise dem, dey tink u r lying. If u dnt, u r gud 4 noting. If dey talk, dey want u to listen. If u listen, dey want u to talk. If u touch dem, u r nt a gentleman. If u dnt, u r not a man. If u agree 2 al deir likes, u r 'idiot, hav no own mind' If u dnt, u r not undrstnding... Ha ha (13 years ago)

U r talking like boys don't do that alian.Boys also leav thier gf (13 years ago)

please add me .. (13 years ago)

please add me in your friend ,,thanks (13 years ago)

Many girls need a boy who can take good care of them and a guy who can b by zer side when they need him (13 years ago)

DPVCSL, i have a quest. 4 u..if u think that then y gals become gf of boy?? (13 years ago)

G!rLs are for boYS...boyS are for g!rLs...itS juSt it...sum1 stay 4a reas0n of love...sum1 stay away 4a reas0n dat dEyre nOt meant 4u...sO as lifE gOEs oN...Its a chance 4 uS 2 nver get tiREd Of seaCh!ng whO iS reALLy meant 4 uS...ΓΌ (13 years ago)

Hey vampire y is it zat u have zis kind of attitude for girls? (13 years ago)

mm, i agree wd vampire in case 4 many bys n gls abt 99%. (13 years ago)

It means u agree 1% r not like that.Alian if u think about girls like that then y boys become a bf of a girl?If u answer this question then i'l answer urs. (13 years ago)

Ungok pinter uy (13 years ago)

Yes i agr33..Well, Boys want beautiful and good girls as gf. As Girls r beautiful and talk as good girls, boys easily fall in love wd gls. And become bf of gls. Now its ur turn...Tell me ur ans. Btw, "ladkio ko hamesa smart ladke hi pasand aate hai" said by Gwen to Ben. Ha ha ha... (13 years ago)

ooops! There is bug in word gf* well, pls read my ans* again. Btw, do u love all the 3 gfs* if yes, will u marry all the 3 gfs* sorry.. Gf has many meanings..but i alwys focus meaning of actual word.. (13 years ago)

but in alien's brain love is a holy relation b/w LOVERS* n PEOPLES* (13 years ago)

but in alien's brain love is a holy relation b/w LOVERS* n PEOPLES* (13 years ago)

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