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 Human Attitude..

Hello Miss.Vanity.. I wish to introduce myself.. I'm d creator of the topic@ Human Attitude.. Where, safety of birds didn't take as a main issue but, the nature of Human's attitude only.. Birds have been taken as an example for showing our attitude only.. Now say.. Do you agree that we have the above said attitude..? And, is it wrong or right..? (13 years ago)

Views are reflection of our own personality. If you think human are worst then you probably are. sorry but i am not belong on the group of pessimistic people like you guys. (13 years ago)

Hello Vanity, How damn you are..! If you are a optimised person, you won't hurt others like this.. You are totally wrong with your view.. As I'm the creator of this topic, I'm the responsible person to explain about this topic.. (13 years ago)

Hello Vanity, How damn you are..! If you are a optimised person, you won't hurt others like this.. You are totally wrong with your view.. As I'm the creator of this topic, I'm the responsible person to explain about this topic.. (13 years ago)

Hello Vanity, don't spit this kind of rubbish words on others.. You are the black marked guy in optimiser's group.. (13 years ago)

Hello Miss.Vanity.. I didn't hurt you in mforum chat room.. I accept you in this matter.. I'm not forcing you to accept my thought about Human attitude.. Have some par vision on others thoughts.. You may be the best optimiser of this world.. Its not the matter.. Before that, first learn how to express your thoughts in optimised way.. Then you can spit your junk thoughts on others.. By the by, I'm not a pessimist.. I'm not a selfish as like you.. As I love all living things of this world, I said about our cruel attitude on other living things. I played my role on behalf of Birds.. Please change your attitude.. First show your kind on human then you can show the same on other living things.. (13 years ago)

that's all so... lol! alien 2012, do you know halo 3's machinima's episodes of 'arby 'n' the chief' episode 3 attitude? see it! it's very lol! (13 years ago)

 (12 years ago)

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