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 Ur first love

Acha hai beta to bach gaya  (13 years ago)

love...well, this ques. always tease me..whether it was a love or a mere crush...watever it was, but i acknowledge this fact that i once fallen in luv wen i was in 11th standerd...she also liked me perhaps but neither of us said this..now i dont know where she is after 2 years...i wish i can see her again...i will give her a big hug and would tell her how much i love her. (13 years ago)

bro.. It's not the happy end i wish u meet her again .  (13 years ago)

my love story is very diffirent that jis ladki se me pyar karta tha wo mujhe har br bhai bolti thi lekin mene uske dil me apne liye itna pyar bhr diya ki wo ab mere bin ek pal nahi ji skti (13 years ago)

we're really different parts about love .... But love c't different from us coz make us d same feel . Love, worry, miss, need, jealous.broken .......  (13 years ago)

we're really different parts about love .... But love c't different from us coz make us d same feel . Love, worry, miss, need, jealous...broken..hurt , hate, sometime can kill them self coz of love.  (13 years ago)

MY 1st LOVE WHEN I stady +2{12} she is my juniour I love she truly , my days started with her neam end with her neam, my Pen always started with her naem, but she always avoid me, BROKE MY HEART, AGAIN AND AGAIN, eventhough i love she i love she i love she her naem "MUHSINA" (13 years ago)

MY 1st LOVE WHEN I stady +2{12} she is my juniour I love she truly , my days started with her neam end with her neam, my Pen always started with her naem, but she always avoid me, BROKE MY HEART, AGAIN AND AGAIN, eventhough i love she i love she i love she her naem "MUHSINA" (13 years ago)

MY 1st LOVE WHEN I stady +2{12} she is my juniour I love she truly , my days started with her neam end with her neam, my Pen always started with her naem, but she always avoid me, BROKE MY HEART, AGAIN AND AGAIN, eventhough i love she i love she i love she her naem "MUHSINA" (13 years ago)

MY 1st LOVE WHEN I stady +2{12} she is my juniour I love she truly , my days started with her neam end with her neam, my Pen always started with her naem, but she always avoid me, BROKE MY HEART, AGAIN AND AGAIN, eventhough i love she i love she i love she her naem "MUHSINA" (13 years ago)

thanx 4 anticipation nancy..i too believ i will see her again.. (13 years ago)

MY 1st LOVE WHEN I stady +2{12} she is my juniour I love she truly , my days started with her neam end with her neam, my Pen always started with her naem, but she always avoid me, BROKE MY HEART, AGAIN AND AGAIN, eventhough i love she i love she i love she her naem "MUHSINA" (13 years ago)

i wish u brother...i hope that she's so lucky that her boyfriend still wait her without any reason....  (13 years ago)

well thankz basky, i have a boyfriend now, and hopefully he's the right, and i wanna marry him hahahahahaha ;D (13 years ago)

haha  (13 years ago)

not good haha (13 years ago)

both of u must tell us na ... If u shy i'll close my eye i'll d't see anything about u write on .. Hah hah hah....  (13 years ago)

cool eiron........ al d best fo ur future !!!!!!!!! (13 years ago)

thankz basky, but not now haha, im only 17 years old haha (13 years ago)

vampire u laugh so really like monkey... U may need more 2 improve ur laugh has has ha ...  (13 years ago)

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