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 If da world wud end on 2012..,wht wud u do b4re it....., ?

Hello devil... I didn't expect this from you.. you may pray at that moment.... But, we are not speaking at that apex moment.. It cann't be imaginable.. Its fantasy... Okay..? And one Q to you... Where is heaven...? (13 years ago)

I want to tell one thing to all guys.. There is psychological reason for selecting/ (coining ourselve) nicknames to us.. Nicknames shows our attitude and Quality of our Mind.. It's a fact.. Ha...Ha.. (13 years ago)

I wil b with my mother forever (13 years ago)

I wil b with my mother forever (13 years ago)

I wil b with my mother forever (13 years ago)

ha ha... being adult is fun, wen u act like a child... (13 years ago)

Reli? I thought it makEs u loOk folLish? HmMm (13 years ago)

Ha ha...XxaniholicxX,u pakistani..?..nothng just askd, becoz ur behavr towards a indian...  (13 years ago)

Ha ha...@XxaniholicxX,u pakistani..?..nothng just askd, becoz ur actitud towards a indian...  (13 years ago)

Eh. ? No. , i'm from d pHiliPpinEs ne. , i'm pinAy. , why. ? Is there soMetHing i said thAt ofFendEd soMebody. ?  (13 years ago)

^nevr mind..., (13 years ago)

Uhm okAy. ,  (13 years ago)

I wil make sure, dat i got abt 1000 pple from os repented!!!For me i wil kneel down n pray for God to forgive me n accept me in his heavenly kingdom... (13 years ago)

Wow. . Ur reli religious (13 years ago)

Ha..Ha.. So fantasy...  (13 years ago)

^ ha ha...everythng relatd to GOD is just a fantasy 4 baala, Even in big bang der is god.,  (13 years ago)

CoME oN guyS..th!nk of it...a daY of a sudDen piece of wud enD in just a blink of an eyE...it iS said dat enD of ur lyf...so does it rely worth f u guyS wiL just sPENd 8 2 meEt h othRs wHEN u knu dat its nOt even enOUgH tO sPENd 8 with da pepol u wnteD 2B with...uRe just g0nNA waiSt ur last m0ment 4 n0thNg in dat senSE....hahaha  (13 years ago)

A day of a sudDen piece of ur lyf...ratheR...hahah (13 years ago)

@ bAaLA...F ure asking me wer iS heaven or wer iS gOd...I rather sHUt mY thumbs ofF..cLicking mY keypADs dAN tO xpLAin it tO U...cOz pPOL Lyk u whO hav nOt bLievn in gOD wiLL juSt get mE siCk...hEehe...i AM reSpcting uR pOint of viewS n Lyf...^,^ anD i str0ngLY bLieve oN wAtS miNe.... (13 years ago)

i like to propose my dream girl. And spent all the time with her and my happiest familly. Nd enjoy every second with my whole familly  (13 years ago)

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