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 Human Attitude..

there is no better place than home... animals belong in the wilderness not in a cage or zoo. (13 years ago)

there is no better place than home... animals belong in the wilderness not in a cage or zoo. (13 years ago)

Sorry...But i think Homosapiens is a very fool, greedy, dishonest,etc species. (13 years ago)

Sorry...But i think that Homosapiens is a very fool, greedy,dishonest,etc species (13 years ago)

there is no better place than home. animals live in the wilderness not in a cage or zoo. (13 years ago)

@rodayao, i think this is not onLy bout eat or not, in case more bout freedom of evry singLe God's creatures to dispose their Life....if reaLized there is no open pLace safe from predators attacks, u shouLd more reaLized that God create animaLs to prey each other for thier need of eat, Lion kiLLs deer, snake kiLLs mouse n cat kiLLs bird....thats happen by naturaL. (13 years ago)

I agree with abasilim and roda because Noah (biblical character) was able to save the animals by moving them in his boat. (13 years ago)

@ungok thats food chain.well, m totally agree with kenshee23. As the best place is home 4 all living beings. They can protect themselves easily 4m their enemy when they r in their natural habitat (home). And cage is not a home 4 birds..Thanks. (13 years ago)

talking about that, noah saved the animals but after the flood he let them go back to the wilderness, there home. (13 years ago)

oo...thanx @aLien2012. there is no 1 guarantee that cage can give safety 4 aLL d'birds. (13 years ago)

attitude adjustment is d best adjustment (13 years ago)

freedom is the basic right of all whether it would be bird or other animals.Humans have no right to kept those in bounded zoos or put in cages for their own entertainment.  (13 years ago)

Thanks @ aijazrahie. I like ur comment. (13 years ago)

@kenshee23 yes you are right, that is exactly my point. why human invented such thing like cage which is to protect them for possible extinction. I just dont know why you guys are so negative about it. by the way this is me vanilla, somebody hacked my id. (13 years ago)

@vanity so, u think bird is safe in cage and it protects birds from extintion...Ok...But kindly let me to inform u that no species of any organisms can extinct if surrounding(enviroment) support.. And nature has maintained every thing well.. Also, as my thinking, cages r invented for keeping birds as pet birds and not for endangerd species... It is the greedyness of the human.... Also, i have a general question! Why peoples fight each other??? (13 years ago)

hmm @lien 2012 said that homo sapiens sapiens are bad and without rights, but we are homo videoludis! homo videoludis is worse than homo sapiens sapiens... (13 years ago)

@exedexes, thats right (13 years ago)

@alien I am not saying that all birds should be put in cage. what i am trying to say here is that cage was made for a good purpose like saving one species at a time for extinction and then let it multiply etc. People fight  (13 years ago)

@alien I am not saying that all birds should be put in cage. what i am trying to say here is that cage was made for a good purpose like saving one species at a time to prevent extinction and then let it multiply etc.  (13 years ago)

@alien there are various reasons why people fights and one of them is misundersanding.. (13 years ago)

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