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 Is first love always unforgettable??

hallo  (14 years ago)

hallo  (14 years ago)

love is love .it is not first second third and so on. (14 years ago)

Ya..... Q stuju bgt cinta pertama tu dalah cnta trakhir.... (14 years ago)

chielpie,i miss u. (14 years ago)

itr al about thore who eels and understands love..yes its true that first love his unforgetable.i have loved many girls but i stel remember my firt love whem i rttdhed hn clas 3..it war nice filing to have.. (14 years ago)

itr al about thore who eels and understands love..yes its true that first love his unforgetable.i have loved many girls but i stel remember my firt love whem i rttdhed hn clas 3..it war nice filing to have.. (14 years ago)

Hello mati  (14 years ago)

Hey guys thanks for sharing/posting your very unforgettable experience when it comes to love.. (14 years ago)

Yea of course  (14 years ago)

every person wh0m you've l0ve is unf0rgettable., its just that you may l0ve him less or m0re.. (14 years ago)

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