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u r thinking 2 much (13 years ago)

Ha..Ha.. VALENTIN...... You are nothing but a great comedy piece in this forum.... Everyone laughs when you come here.. Do one thing man.. Go to mutton shop and buy the brain of goat and implant it..... You are looking so sad with corrupted brain... Ha..Ha.. See man.. You are not posting your comments in any other topics except my topics.. By unknowingly you've been attracted by me.. But.. But.. Woops.. You are always the useless broomstick in my room... I go to use you in my toilet.... Ha.. Ha.. Comedy piece VALENTIN052 ..  (13 years ago)

hey hey,when did this came up? @bla bla bla when you rattle a snake be prepared to be bitten by it.for a start i think of you as a low-caste,diaper full of shit. (13 years ago)

ha ha ha gud phoenixbla  (13 years ago)

Come on.. What do you want man? This topic is only for me and you.. We can quarrel here.. Don't spoil other topics by your junky words.. Do you know that how to behave with others in public issues..? If you've real guts skin out your vanity and fight with me.. I don't want to use low class words as like you.. I treat you as a barking dog.. I know that a barking dog seldom bite.. But, sometimes I've to through a stone on it to stop the barking.. I think all real dogs'll get angry with me because I compare them with you.. You are not equal to dog.. Hmmm.. How to say.. Yeah.. You are a sewage frog.. Your sound won't disturb me.. Ha.. Ha.. (13 years ago)

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