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 Theme privacy

Rory if you are creating themes on pc then do this .. > install/update flash player .... Use fast net to create your themes ... Can you tell me what you got in error ?  (12 years ago)

Rory you are creating themes on pc or mobile ?? (12 years ago)

hey, i cannot create theme, every time i try it give me error ,although i used to create themes for a year ....can anyone help me???? (12 years ago)

Ya gift i can download others themes but i can't able to download my themes only (12 years ago)

What i copied ? @Gift (12 years ago)

Copied..^^ (12 years ago)

Use opera browser ... It is best browser for ownskin. (12 years ago)

If u geting this from on mobile wid uc browser the do this > delete your old browser > restore all settings/restore all of phone then download again uc browser then it will work..  (12 years ago)

Ghillimanie, Can you download theme others? Recently I am Just done all downloading & installed By Nokia browser.. More easy ways to downloading.. see Qlick Download icons... right? Login PC version & get your Code Oskey ... when you open page downloading pc version .. at wap download Option.., Then put OsKey to Qlick Download icons at wap.. If you still can't.. you may change your browsers. (12 years ago)

If i download from old version the theme can't support my mobile. (12 years ago)

ok you can try wap mobile old version follow this link ==> http://www14.ownskin.com/wap_my_theme.oss , (12 years ago)

After i saw my theme catalog through PC. This download problem ll not occur uh ?? (12 years ago)

@Ghillimanie I got it.. the link of your theme icons may error occurred.. -: Follow this link ( http://www.ownskin.com/wap2_my_theme.oss ) -: Or Login via PC version to see your theme catalog :::::- By wap profile home ==> you can create your correct icons & link.. by go to Organise Icons.. do follow the step.. (12 years ago)

My mobile Nokia 5130 XpressMusic. I'm using UC browser. (12 years ago)

The theme which is created by me showing all options. If i click download button it goes to google search. (12 years ago)

When i click the my theme download button it goes to google search.. (12 years ago)

You sure? that create theme with template then that theme will only private*** One more thing you should to know that.. Edit Status Theme option can do change via PC version! Even though Wap version the theme has set privacy status be private automatic at first saved skins. .. so my knowledge plus to experienced any member from mobile or pc, both can change the privacy status via PC version! ......but what I said about if theme not showing any option there to change it can be occur from created via template contents! (12 years ago)

Hi Sexyboy1231 & Ghillimanie , you can open directly from click icon THEME the link http://www.ownskin.com/wap2_my_theme.oss Other way to is Login via PC version to see your theme catalog of number downloading or/ change status. (12 years ago)

boy1231 if you will create theme with template then that theme will only privet . if you want to create theme for public then dont use any template to create theme. and if you are mobile user then you can find your theme here > http://www.ownskin.com/wap2_my_theme.oss if you are pc user then find your theme here >> http://www.ownskin.com/my_theme (12 years ago)

Help Me Pls (12 years ago)

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