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 what can i do?

i hope i really can ignore it but..some time was to pain to keep on just take and ignore..cos we sleep together every nigt in one bed,i bear her children but ..is this what i get?wife or husband is apart of life how can say such words? (13 years ago)

i will try to find the reason why he/she calling me like that. May b due to some tension. I will not annoy him/her by saying any hurtful word. I will try myself cool. Also he/she may talk nasty coz may b i am irritating him/her. So i will try not to irritate him. (13 years ago)

Der might b smthng dat i ve done wrong,so i vl jst listen 4 one ear n let it flow tro my otr ear.....hehehe (13 years ago)

nasty mean use the rough words 2 call or scream at u such bustard,dump.stupid etc... (13 years ago)

i dnt know meaning of 'nasty'. So i cant comment. Sorry. (13 years ago)

what u all want to do if ur beloved start to talk nasty at u?? (13 years ago)

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