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 Do u agree that our real god is ALLAH and the only ONE?

speaking of idols,muslims take the kabba(a stone)as a santuary of mecca where god live. (13 years ago)

Some 1 pls tell me how to get ur own creat theme? Pls tell me... (13 years ago)

Ha.. Ha.. I knew the diff between co-sis and sis. Here muslim guys marry their own sister... Uncultivated guys.. Ha..Ha.. (13 years ago)

I think nafaa... You are in perplexing state of your mind.. Read everything again what I made.. I supported to Hindus and their worship... If you feel that something is in your holy book, the same thing is in their holy idols.. If you say nothing in their holy idols, I'm sure about it.. Nothing is in your Quaran.. MAMS... Do you know one thing...! In our area, A muslim boy can marry his sister... How funny it is...!  (13 years ago)

Ha.. Ha.. Nafaa... Did you see anywhere that I've mentioned My god is in divine idol....? Just open your dirty mind... Since Hindus treat their god as familiar to them, they've given the shape to their god similar to human.. Your god is so mystic otherwise nothing else....  (13 years ago)

Haaaa... Haaaa.. I'm kidding... If it is so, who did make DNAs in your Allah's body..? You are making me to laugh during hot debate.. (13 years ago)

it is ALLAH (SUBHANAWATALA) WHO makes DNA in ur body... tell ur antimate object to do that (13 years ago)

this is ur god which even cant exist on its own without the help of a human how stupid u r (13 years ago)

its not historic practice to give things to so called worldy gods... it is superstitiousness that u people become affraid off those things which u feel hurting like fire or snake.... n then u start praising these things as they wil help u if u give then ur lovely crops or fruit or even blood of a human.... as these things are not eyen can exist... like 'fire' if u dont allow wood the fire wil vanish.... this is ur god..... (13 years ago)

I never meant anybody as wrong sinox.. (13 years ago)

Ha.. Ha.. All the best MAMS.. I'm not changed MAMS.. I never ever accept the topic@ muslims=terrorists.. But, see here MAMS.. I never accept when any muslim blames Hindus/Christians.. Actually I didn't get into this topic... Since some of muslim girls thinking too vanity about their god, I had to come here.. Here Digital Barbarians means not all muslims.. I just call them who has vanity mind..  (13 years ago)

islam is not a religion its a group of terrorist  (13 years ago)

MAMS... I've coined a name for them that is Digital Barbarians.. How is it MAMS..? (13 years ago)

Hi all...,i'm new in my religion. I hope here i can ge new friends  (13 years ago)

@Merithung s rit,so keep ua faith in ur own god. Its ur rits 2 bliv whm u luvd. But i dn't thnk ther s any god. I bliv in nture.... (13 years ago)

I've an another video that a muslim guy kills a man with sword.. Before killing, he prays the god... Ha.. Ha.. Do you want to see that...? and, and, and, see your topic.. Nothing is special in it.. And rizzzi... You only having noting in your bleedy mind... (13 years ago)

Hey rizzzi... Who is senseless...? Most of You are all digital barbarians.. Ha.. Ha.... You are climbing up a branch of a tree and you are believing without a little bit of wisdom that is there is no Branch in the and and and and beyond this, you are climbing the tree.. Ha.. Ha.. Where tree means, beleiving of God, branches are diff religions.. Ha.. Ha.. (13 years ago)

Ha.. Haa... Nafaa.. How do you realize your God Allah when reading your Holy book Quaran..? What is wonder in the pages..? Ha.. Ha.. Don't get tensed.. As How you feel your god by reading your holy book, Other religion people feel the same feeling while worshiping their gods.. Okay...? And I know that posting comments in any topic is depending on one's own willing.. And how stupid you are..! You said other's topics are useless topics.. Then why did you create a topic @ Do you agree with it..? Ha.. Ha... Shame shame.. Puppy shame...  (13 years ago)

islam is bad religion of terrorists (13 years ago)

i request u muslims that plz dont argue with people having nothing in their minds... bcz ALLAH says arguing with sensless peopl is stupidity (13 years ago)

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