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 Big Bang

eeeee.. (12 years ago)

wilium howkings is my ideal n he believ that theory thats y i do... (13 years ago)

Hi Knights.. How are you ya? Hearty Welcome to os forum.. Sometimes I feel bored for debating about god.. Now the god Allah is got into the matter of debating and some of the guys are thinking that I'm opposing Islam.. Thatsy I had to re-enter this topic... (13 years ago)

no need of a debate baala, bgbang cant oppose ta existance of GOD.. (13 years ago)

Getting back into debate (13 years ago)

Getting back into debate (13 years ago)

Oh.. Stupid Valentin.. Its not necessary to disclose my personals with you.. You are the man of vanity.. So, shut your stupid mouth in my matter.. You cann't do anythiing by your merely words on others.. Think before talk with a person that how he treats you.. Here everyone knows that how I treat you and vice-versa.. You always prove that you are a 7:11 .. Ha.. Ha.. (13 years ago)

@bla bla,for a start,can you tell us where you parted ways with God? (13 years ago)

Sorry.. Sorry.. The topic is TRUST IN GOD.. (13 years ago)

He has created the topic as DO YOU BELIEVE THE GOD.. In this Topic@ BIG BANG, everyone disclosed their thought about the God/god (ha..ha..).. Thatsy I refreshed this topic knights.. (13 years ago)

@baala Watz ta relatn btn big bang and DO YOU BELIEVE GOD..?  (13 years ago)

Just I re-entered this topic because of the other new topic@ DO YOU BELIEVE GOD..? (13 years ago)

Just I re-entered this topic because of the other new topic@ DO YOU BELIEVE GOD..? (13 years ago)

baala, u want diz thread alive..? One thing i wana say is that, me realy admit ta truthnez of bigbang, Scienc and relign should b unitd, dez are not separate thing, One interestng fact is dat,acordng to us, ie God said"I hav creatd diz universe frm an explosion and I wil reunite it" Acordng 2 scienc we are in an expansn state and a stage wil reach, den it startz to contract... U guyz belive or not.., big bang is realy an intresting topic, i wish al shud study abut it, Im sure u wil feel ta presence god...,  (13 years ago)

.. (13 years ago)

Greetings! I agree with lovelyshawaik - the question here is if you believe in BIGBANG THEORY, which is answerable by YES or NO and its up to you if you would like to explain it further.. A genius scientist once said "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"..I myself still confused if I would believe this theory or not..This theory was introduced by ppl who studied even the smallest particle in the Universe.. although no one could give credible evidences that this theory really happened but atleast "science" help us figured out things around us, If we know how the world begun we could probably predict how it will going to end and because of continuous studies we would be able to prevent possible distraction..I am a Catholic and I believe that we r brothers n sister by only one creator..I go to church once a year only, but believe it or not I couldn't find God in that place like any other.. I have a direct communication with him and its up to me how to utilize those resources.. (13 years ago)

.....For e.g, if there is no boss in our office, we won't work properly.. Boss didn't come from other planet... Similarly, our older people thought to regulate our people because they were barbarians... they have been believed by ourselve that there is a god in heaven.. He is sitting in Heaven, and watching all of us.. If you do many sins, you'll go to hell whereas you'll go to paradise.. There is river named StyX in between hell and heaven.. Then our people feared to do anything wrong.. Thus the god came to this world.. Hmmm... I ask one Q abasilim.. If you were born as Hindu, will you follow your Jesus..? I need your Frank ans.. (13 years ago)

Abasilim... You are thinking stupidly.. Jesus is your god only.. He is not the creator of this cosmos.. Don't push your thoughts to others.. As you are christian, you pray jesus.. As MAMS is a Hindu, he prays Brammah.. As Ungok is a Islamic girl, she believes Allah.. As I'm an orphan, I belive something diff from all of you.. The religion what you are following is not a matter at all.. All religions say only this, Love all.. accept all burdens.. Don't cheat others.. Help to others.. If you love everyone in this world, the god will stay in your heart.. I love everyone in the world thatsy I believe that the god is in my heart.. Abasilim, whats the language of your God? English? If it is so, here in my state, Christian people are going to church and chanting in the language Tamil only... Then how does your god hear this chantings..? ** gods were created by men to regulate them... For e.g, if there is no boss in our office, we won't work properly.. Boss didn't come from other planet... Similarly, our older peopl (13 years ago)

well, universe is created by God...and it is continously expanding. It is just like balloon expand. Well, i dnt wanna put myslf in religon...well thanks jay. And last ans 4 ur last ans. We're nt Gods bcs Gods dnt fight each other...dnt hate each other, no greed, no partitation,and all other factors makes me think that we're nt God. (13 years ago)

well, universe is created by God...and it is continously expanding. It is just like balloon expand. Well, i dnt wanna put myslf in religon...well thanks jay. And last ans 4 ur last ans. We're nt Gods bcs Gods dnt fight each other...dnt hate each other, no greed, no partitation,and all other factors makes me think that we're nt God. (13 years ago)

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