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 "Stranger vs Best Friend"

U r right phoenix. I am agree wid u. (13 years ago)

I support phoenix.A stranger can automatically become a friend if u choose to ride d right path. (13 years ago)

I agree alien (13 years ago)

Best fren Automaticaly become frm strangers. No need any choice hehehe... (13 years ago)

it is* (13 years ago)

if u allow it..it would happen.. its is our choice... (13 years ago)

hey ya'al~..But but wait wait..be aware t0 a strnger u talkin b0ut..c0z u noe ur bestfren at a 1st place,.nt in hurry madè a bestfren....poor lil bestfren.. (13 years ago)

i agr3 wd bala. (13 years ago)

Not at all.. A stranger can become a friend.. But, But, A good friend cann't become as stranger.. (13 years ago)

yaa.... Now me feeling ta same.. (13 years ago)

sometime a stranger can be your Best Friend and your best friend can be a Stranger.........  (13 years ago)

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