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 wht is more importent in relationshipg.? Love or understanding?

i think that if you love someone youmust also understand him/her.whenever the one you love has problems or mistakes, you should take things intoconsideration.Understanding is one of theimportant foundation for love to succeed without understanding the couple is called angry birds not love birds  (12 years ago)

There is no love without understanding. Both are interrelated without one the otherone has no meaning. (12 years ago)

both bcuz if no love and understanding no relationship.ryt, (12 years ago)

both sharma92 (12 years ago)

Hmmm.. Love never comes without understanding in non-blooded relationship sometimes in blooded relationships also... (12 years ago)

first, something about love. Normally, ppl make bf/gf even on net. Then they plant kisses to eachother and say i love u more than my life after that when one of the couple (bf-gf) come to knw that his/her lover is cheating him/her, he/she starts abusing his/her lover. now if one really love, he/she will never abuse his/her love. Btw, after abusing, he/she starts to search another lover. so understanding is better.  (12 years ago)

I think both is important , you need to understand each othr in order to be in love and love each other! (12 years ago)

Hmm why all recent topics abut love and relatinship sharma...Sometin la la lala la laaaala... (12 years ago)

in my point of view both r importent but understanding is more.. Wht u think frnds and why? (12 years ago)

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