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 why do good girls go out with badboys? xo

and one more thing valentino, i think abasilim have not asked u about me. R u dreaming?  (13 years ago)

@valentino, if u think then m a STUPID, SILLY n childish. but i dnt think u r enough cleaver than me. by d way tell me d difference b/w STUPID N SILLY as i m a childish reply me i m waiting here  (13 years ago)

Logon (13 years ago)

@abasilim havent you known that @alien is stupid and silly and always childish? (13 years ago)

Is unfair to ask a Q like that.Sis, why do gud guys go out with bad gurls? (13 years ago)

@valentino, ur mean is girls r risk! Hahaha... (13 years ago)

they are not bodboys,they are go-getters or risk-takers and they are more often successful in life. (13 years ago)

gals who do that, they r nt gud galz, bad galz (13 years ago)

Ha.. Ha..  (13 years ago)

good gurlz dnt want gud boyz. Thats y (13 years ago)

i have a soft spot for badboys... Sometimes  (13 years ago)

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