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 Why do most of the flirty and bad guys gets beautiful gals? N the gud ones remains single.?

ฆ (13 years ago)

A clever guy must have girl friend. He might be good or bad. Its depnd on his wisdom (13 years ago)

bad guys are the born flirter machine (13 years ago)

Sorry ... I agree with Rodayao.. (13 years ago)

I agree with Radayao.. (13 years ago)

coz gals like to be flirted (13 years ago)

most of beautiful galz r bad galz. Thats y they alwys stick with bad guys (13 years ago)

First the who got the girl may be beautiful but she is never been good n every good guy have a good n beautiful girl n every bad guys also have sexy gorl like me i love leticia n she loves me even m very bad  (13 years ago)

First the who got the gorl may be beautiful but she is never been good n every good guy have a good n beautiful girl n every bad guys also have sexy gorl like me i love leticia n she loves me even m very bad  (13 years ago)

ooops.. agree with myroda lolzzzzzzzzz (13 years ago)

Its all creadit gose to girls ................. Ask this qustion to all girls and get the unexpected ans (13 years ago)

That's evil in ur heart.. (13 years ago)

i agree with hamlet /rodayao post,,mostly all the gud one r remain sngle, dn't knw why but its the reality! (13 years ago)

i agree with hamlet /rodayao post,,mostly all the gud one r remain sngle, dn't knw why but its reality! (13 years ago)

in addition to their post.. bad guys are not afraid to take risk, so they will try to get as many girls as they can, theres also intances that girls choose bad guys vs good guys bcoz they r after of the excitement not to d love..lol (13 years ago)

Thnx 4 d post frns. Kp visitin (13 years ago)

coz d good guyz emotional construct is poor regarding the good 1. The flirty guy knows what and when like where to please a beautyfull lady than a good guy who tends to care too much about the girl than himself. (13 years ago)

coz bad guys is d one hu will do everything either he can just to impress the gurls.. (13 years ago)

bcoz flirty guys know hw 2 impress a beautiful gal (13 years ago)

haha. That's because the bad guys have the ability to pretend to be perfect and sure of themselves, they know many tools and tricks to win and put the girls at his feet, is a question of tactics. In contrast the good guys are those that form a relationship with them you know them well, since the naked eye are not very interesting. Well as the saying goes " the good guys go to the heaven and evil wherever they want" yes, it's unfair but real. Careful! No i mean that to have that sort have to be a bad guy. to be interesting guy combines the best of both: the safety daring/affectionate and sincere!  (13 years ago)

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