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My country king doesnt like that...he far more holds the responsibility...i think u dont understand what im saying about right...its ok... (14 years ago)

Every people go to heaven and respect to king wasnt better..Coz like ur country,the Kingz is 13,1 the high king and 1 Pminister..The prime minister make many develope to ur country..He has his own vision..Ur Sultana just sit down at the throne waiting to die by the PM...Politician was best than be a peasant...Remind it malayan.. (14 years ago)

Every people go to heaven and respect to king wasnt better..Coz like ur country,the Kingz is 13,1 the high king and 1 Pminister..The prime minister make many develope to ur country..He has his own vision..Ur Sultana just sit down at the throne waiting to die by the PM...Politician was best than be a peasant...Remind it malayan.. (14 years ago)

Win or lose is already attached win a mans life sme time lose nd sme time win ....bt u can win ur lose with ur will power nd win is life. (14 years ago)

Owh just 4get it u dont understand it either after all (14 years ago)

Emm...thats a bad idea,if i be the national player the people at my country will hope the best 4m me and thats what i really dont like..if i lose their hope will just be a hope and they will disappointed..whats more important? they will say 'just a bit more and u can win' and that words will haunted me until i 4get it...it will disappointed myself and i maybe want kill myself (14 years ago)

Be a natioanal player nd enjoy ur self like me ...haheha (14 years ago)

Politics r bad 4 health and i dont like it..being a prime minister is like given up urself 2 hell...a long time ago maybe i give all my respect 2 king and prime minister but now i only respect the king... (14 years ago)

Be Artist..And an Prime Minister..Like Mahatir of Malaya.. (14 years ago)

Be my own self is have expectation being like angel...that's me..be like an angel means being better..angels are wonderful..  (14 years ago)

If superman exist then it is an honour 2 kill him...in story of course he will win but in reality world no 1 knows except god (14 years ago)

If u r police...i will be the great thief... (14 years ago)

I dont need peace cause i have it long time ago...time 2 change,plus its boring... (14 years ago)

Yes omoboy u r right. ..but m a special intelgence police man thats y me not alow to tell any to any thing about me. bt i can ask frm any 1 .... (14 years ago)

If u're a demon then superman will hunt u down. If u choose 2 be an angel then u can't find peace cuz demons will be trying 2 make u sin. Then if u're a stranger, then people won't allow u in2 there homes cuz they don't know what u're made off. Just try as much to be urself and have self respect for ladies. That's what make a Good person. (14 years ago)

your mama (14 years ago)

Owh...must stay away 4m u cause i sense death and dark aura 4m u..i might get killed..a stranger is a stranger..my father always said not 2 talk 2 a stranger.. (14 years ago)

M stil stanger jst keep away frm me. . . Hope u undrstand. (14 years ago)

M not killer dear............ M a man of peace nd love.... (14 years ago)

I won't scare.move on..we'll fighting..haha..  (14 years ago)

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