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 how to make new friends when you live in another country?

tks my friends,but in our days is 2dificult 2 get a true friend,so,now i ask you:a virtual friend can be better than the other?  (14 years ago)

As long as,u can speak english,n be friendly in ur chatroom n add as ur friends well,. (14 years ago)

As long as,u can speak english,n be friendly in ur chatroom n add as ur friends well,. (14 years ago)

Aish..It true (14 years ago)

It easy,chose a country that can speak very well in english..This the List of the country that mostly speak in english = in Asia Republic Singapore and The Brunei Empire, Republic of Korea (S.Korea),People of China, Imperial Japan and some in Republik Indonesia and in Arab Leagues... (14 years ago)

In shot join ownskin and surch (14 years ago)

.ch0ose th0se wh0 y0u think y0u can get t0 kn0w easily, be friendly, d0nt make bad impressi0n., but trust them yet., (14 years ago)

someoane know how can i get new friends,much easy?plz tell me,tks... (14 years ago)

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