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 Anybody weak in english

Yes,me too..help me 2 speak english. (14 years ago)

please don' t come here just to say what all of guys are talking cuz obviously the title says it all. Yeah,english language is a requirement now a day,it brings u anywhere,explore the world and might help u to be successful. (14 years ago)

Ok i try  (14 years ago)

Hi racer... My tip to you is just watch loads and loads of english movies... But avoid subtitles...it helped me..! (14 years ago)

I am also a person lik u frnds but i dont kno how 2 improve it that mean my vocal english how u help me? (14 years ago)

I am also a person lik u frnds but i dont kno how 2 improve it that mean my vocal english how u help me? (14 years ago)

its the better way to understand the English literature . (14 years ago)

I can easily understand british english but when it comes to american style...waah they r way tooooooo speed 4 me to understand. wat a style of mixing and using of words are done by them for me they r the real english modifiers (14 years ago)

I can easily understand british english but when it comes to american style...waah they r way tooooooo speed 4 me to understand. wat a style of mixing and using of words are done by them for me they r the real english modifiers (14 years ago)

.Hi frnds i'm good in english i write well and read well but when it comes to speech...i speak fluently with anyone in the phone or in personal but when in public a chill breeze blows behind my head...and i start to blabber (^,^) (14 years ago)

yeah yu all culd be bad in english but wat matters is wat hav yu done about it?do yu wanna be fluent or yu r satisfied wea yu are'? (14 years ago)

yeah yu all culd be bad in english but wat matters is wat hav yu done about it?do yu wanna be fluent or yu r satisfied wea yu are'? (14 years ago)

i am very bad in English (14 years ago)

But indonesia money is so cheap (14 years ago)

Wow,i could be rich.Brunai are best. (14 years ago)

Yes but brunei is a good nation because they money a 2x as malaysia  (14 years ago)

How many Malay nation in here? brunai,malisia.Singapor,indunesia? (14 years ago)

Same as malay (14 years ago)

So Indonesia is malay?How bout Singapore? (14 years ago)

Mixing speak is good (14 years ago)

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