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 Hu yu really are..?

my name is manoj kumar & my nickname is raj (12 years ago)

And me every one knows about me my os id on my nick and 87 is birth yeai real name Najam ul hassan from Pakistan and i am working in a shop here in city as a stock manager and nothing more (12 years ago)

This topic was taken already.. Hmmm.. Okay.. My real name is Bala. And my nickname is PhoeniX.. Silent in nature.. Working in Pondicherry Electricity Dept. @ Pondicherry State Electrical Transmission and Utility.. (12 years ago)

I hv my real name id on o.s HARDEEP KAYAT n im a studnt in collage frm HARYANA (INDIA). Anything mor ??? (12 years ago)

Here many got funny user name includng me hidng da real identity.., & some ar studntz in skul, colg, some workng, teachrz.. So let share yua Name-Place-what yu dng..? (12 years ago)

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