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I proud tobe muslim.some EVIL everytime tryto missguide muslim from the path of true islam.don't mind.We r keep honesty abt ALLHA. (12 years ago)

I m muslim and feel proud 4 that.Evil everytime try to missguide muslim from path of islam,but do not loose your honesty for ALLHA. (12 years ago)

islam is great (12 years ago)

islam is great (12 years ago)

haai (12 years ago)

haai (12 years ago)

some amrican and isralin looklike muslem and wear as muslems but they not they whom do terorr and badthings and u say muslem no man or woman  (12 years ago)

ALLAH IS ENOUGH FOR ME. There is no God but He, in Him i av put my trust. He is the Mighty THRONE. (12 years ago)

افضل نعمه للانسان ان يكون مسلما موحدا كيف يعقل ان يكون هناك تعدد للالهه الن يختلفوا ويذهب كل اله بما خلق وان كان كما تقول النصاري ان لله ولد اعوذ بالله ما حاجه الله للولد هل ليرثه فان الله حي لايموت وهل المسيح اله اذن فلمن يصوم ويصلي ايصلي لنفسه هل قتل ليحمل خطاياهم كما يدعون يا نصاري حاورو انفسكم ستجدون ان الموضوع غير عقلاني بالمره الله واحد احد فرد صمد لا شريك له ولا ند له نحن عبيده ولسنا ابناءه ونحن له مسلمون الاسلام حق حق حق (12 years ago)

افضل نعمه للانسان ان يكون مسلما موحدا كيف يعقل ان يكون هناك تعدد للالهه الن يختلفوا ويذهب كل اله بما خلق وان كان كما تقول النصاري ان لله ولد اعوذ بالله ما حاجه الله للولد هل ليرثه فان الله حي لايموت وهل المسيح اله اذن فلمن يصوم ويصلي ايصلي لنفسه هل قتل ليحمل خطاياهم كما يدعون يا نصاري حاورو انفسكم ستجدون ان الموضوع غير عقلاني بالمره الله واحد احد فرد صمد لا شريك له ولا ند له نحن عبيده ولسنا ابناءه ونحن له مسلمون الاسلام حق حق حق (12 years ago)

Ha ha.., Oh yeaH, One never bOthrZ tO realiZe how ugly en InfluenCial iz hiz ArgumenTz Cz theY 're AlreadY made PerCeptiOns dat wud stun themslVs wen theY realiSe hOw wrOng it iz of beinG too prOuD of nOthnG...!  (12 years ago)

@val: Moreover, According to a news report on BBC One presented in 12 November 2007, there were 85,000 women raped in the UK in the previous year, equating to about 230 cases every day. Nevertheles, It is estimated that a woman born in South Africa has a greater chance of being raped than learning how to read.One in three of the 4,000 women questioned by the Community of Information, Empowerment and Transparency said they had been raped in the past year.South Africa has some of the highest incidences of child and baby rape in the world.In a related survey conducted among 1,500 schoolchildren in the Soweto township, a quarter of all the boys interviewed said that 'jackrolling', a term for gang rape, was fun.More than 25% of a sample of 1,738 South African men from the KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape Provinces admitted when anonymously questioned to raping someone; of those, nearly half said they had raped more than one person, according to a non-peer reviewed policy brief issued by the Medical Research Counci (12 years ago)

@Val.: it seems this Funky is making more sense in his/her arguemnt than U. Don't you think so? She is backingup him/her-sef with fact and figures. For instanc: A United Nations statistical report compiled from government sources showed that more than 250,000 cases of male-female rape or attempted rape were recorded by police annually. Out of which; According to United States Department of Justice document Criminal Victimization in the United States, there were overall 191,670 victims of rape or sexual assault reported in 2005.1 of 6 U.S. women has experienced an attempted or completed rape. (according to Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault) (12 years ago)

@Val.: it seems this Funky is making more sense in his/her arguemnt than U. Don't you think so? She is backingup him/her-sef with fact and figures.  (12 years ago)

@valentino54 kkk that temporarily marriage only by Shittee (Syiah)..well...... These guy... Well you know........ Same as Catholic vs Protestant.... Kkkkkk ^0^ (12 years ago)

u say to me iam terror man sht (12 years ago)

u r computerman see terror in T*v say muslem bt it america israel only in th world cn do it  (12 years ago)

its better to b gliued to one place fr millions of decadez if v r blessed wid life, dan to b in pain.. @valentino u ask abt peace a muslim woman faces ...? better chart out n make a graph out wich you got to know how a muslim woman enjoys peace in Islam.. YOU knw yur western culture's is so hazarous dat dose of yur culture spit at wat they'd been growing up fr long, n intentionally growing interest towardz islam n its teachngz.. Do u knw wat a women of yur culture enjoy...?Although North America is viewed as a place where women have equal rights and status, violence against women is still rampant. Forty to 51% of women experience some type of violence in their lifetime including child abuse, physical violence, rape and domestic violence.... latin america, nicaragua, european countries, n many of yur western countries activitiez wil b forcely bagged jus to stomach yur reputation... but not for long... learn my Qur'an or atleast da verse dat u need yu'l probably declare muslim womens to hav enjoyed da complet (12 years ago)

@Mrhaughtyvalentino.. Yu seem tO b askinG a ryt question to a wrng guy.. Frstly SHIA MUSLIMS hav created their Own world, n they dOnt even b'live my prOphet pbuh tO b d last messenger Of Allah.. Those 'by-name' muslims hav taken da verse 4:24 then give those of these women, you hav enjoyed, the dower u agreed...." .. As Allah's commands to do so.. They consider this As temperory marriage... Chek dis On net, Only shia muslimz hav created diz n Oder Fiqh do nOt allow Ol dez RubbiSh...!! If yu doubtZ regardinG d sunni mAslak.., out wid yur woRdz frnd..!!  (12 years ago)

@gbemisola,leave alone the world,where the masses are intimidated by this deadly cult,does a muslim woman know any peace?the quran decree that she be beaten and incase of adultery the woman is stoned to death while the man is let scotfree? And you shout the word PEACE,look in the dic the real meaning. (12 years ago)

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