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 is school life better then collage life?

... (13 years ago)

da, i wil tel u @ 2012 (13 years ago)

Hi guys i think scl lyf is a memorable life in our lyf,we stay a long time in scl,so in my way scl lyf is full of masti n loveable 2 all miss u frnd ,  (13 years ago)

Hi guys i think scl lyf is a memorable life in our lyf,we stay a long time in scl,so in my way scl lyf is full of masti n loveable 2 all miss u frnd ,  (13 years ago)

Yeah, it's good. (13 years ago)

some time we feel the school life is batter than college life nd some time we think college life is better than school life...nd i think college nd school life is both life r gud nd bad.. (13 years ago)

colg lyf too bore..!! (13 years ago)

yup school lyf s better..!i miss ma schl lyf totally...miss u frnds.!! (13 years ago)

college life is a happy life.01830109523 (13 years ago)

college life is a happy life.01830109523 (13 years ago)

Both of them is gud,bcos it is a place of learning....All i no is dat whenever u found ua self try to make tins happen....by so doing u will see d discrepancy... (13 years ago)

I suport schol lif, coleg life not bad , each one so gud each life diferent enjoy.  (13 years ago)

Hey dude's school life is a good life. (13 years ago)

I think school lyf unspeechable,clz very bad (13 years ago)

I can't say dat v learn dishonest from college.it is upto student wat he gives and get from college.but i think school life is better than college life. (13 years ago)

Place of dishonesty..? Not at all for all but sometimes for someones... An honest person is always honest at any atmosphere alien.. In school days, most of the children say about their ambitions as to become a doctor, engineer etc.. They don't know their economical strength and knowledge.. Most of Them realise their place in this socity after their college life only.. In school days, NO FEAR ABOUT FUTURE LIFE, NO FEAR ABOUT THEIR GIRL FRIENDS, NO BAD HABITS... BUT, I ALSO LIKE TOO MY CHILDHOOD AGE AND SCHOOL LIFE... (13 years ago)

yeah school life thousand time better than college life. College time is totally time waste. N a place 4 learning dishonesty not study. (13 years ago)

Yeah... School life is too better than any other life... This is my thought only... (13 years ago)

School life evergren any moument but collge life any time bad...8984774966.JhuluJochhi (13 years ago)

School life evergren any moument but collge life any time bad (13 years ago)

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