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 buduh buduh palui motherf*cker..yg bkan muslims 2 f kn ckap or memburuk2kn agama bukan dsini..

Seosan,just let them..They have desire to knw much bout religion. Even i dunt thnking bout it,moslem r rule in my nation in Brunei but we the minority just dunt care as long the majority didnt do anythng wrong to us. Even in my homeland Canada,we r christian country,,still the chinese,indian,korean and other minority didnt angry to them. So dunt do these or else cn happen..Sorry.. (14 years ago)

Let it be bro..human always like that..semakin kita nasihat semakin mereka menjadi jadi..semua orang nak jd ulama sekarang nih..layan kan aje..sorry.. (14 years ago)

religious is a snsitve issue,do not mke war..more over f not real believers..muslims, cristians or others religion believer surely dn't like others ppl talk about their religions..it is sensitve for sure dude (14 years ago)

im not mad to any1,just dn't like religious cnvrsations here,os is not suitable..n for ur infrmations i am muslims n do not hate any religions.. (14 years ago)

Did u angry to my Xiah friend?Coz he dont like christian. Som word i didnt undrstand in there. R u bruneian?Coz it have same like my brunei language (14 years ago)

Hey y don't u rite all in english? (14 years ago)

my midlefinger rise up to salute u bastards freethinkers.. (14 years ago)

paluii jua eyh..f apa yg dcakapkn ne bnar bek jua..f nda tau apa2 jan ckp psal islam...stupid bastard freethinkers.. (14 years ago)

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