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 can true love occur before mariage

 (12 years ago)

The love will occur at any time.. We cann't control it for right time.. In case we succeed in controlling of our love for right time of expressing, it becomes fake.. Its my point only..  (12 years ago)

LOL... Alien lets discuss dis in another topic... Am confused too...!! (12 years ago)

btw, guys, first tell me what is this damn TRUE LOVE ??? (12 years ago)

Den her memories annoy me rest of malife..!!(( (12 years ago)

Den her memories annoy me rest of malife..!!(( (12 years ago)

^ wat if yu realise dat Yur wife ran away...? lolzzz... (12 years ago)

Btw I love being married....!!! Itz so great to find someone special you want to annoy forta rest of your life...!!!. (12 years ago)

yeah y not...! Well mostly teens get infatuated, widout realizng the real feeling of love, they mostly are passionate, and enjoy 'SAYING' its good to b in luv..!! In ds case, its an infatuation... ! (12 years ago)

Why not.?? It happenz.!! I dn't think there is any relation between love and marriage..!! (12 years ago)

its only atteraction... (12 years ago)

we say we are in love..but can love hapen before mariage or thats just infatuation?.. (12 years ago)

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