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 Single vs Relationship

Being single freaks............  (11 years ago)

If relationship is not working, then it is normal to feel that being single is far better, its the same thing for those single when they feel that there is something missing in their lives. (11 years ago)

I'm happy for those who have their partners. This is the month of febuary. It's your time to shine. Well then as for me, I'm single but I'm happy  (11 years ago)

i tried both so now i can say both are good somtimes and other times its boring nd tortur (11 years ago)

i will prefer being single wd living in 2 or 3 relationship (11 years ago)

Both.....  (11 years ago)

@johnbissa hehe... woww! agree bro! (11 years ago)

q thak rahe ho reh single or relationship me kar dekh lo jo acha lagay usay like kar dena  (11 years ago)

"Single" with too many girlfriends of other guys!! well guys, i'll let you know the benefits of being single!1. You dont need to recharge her phone balance.2. No need to stuck to one girl only.3. You can study well.4. No jealousy, No advices.5. Can go to abroad to study/work without thinking what you are leaving behing. 6. No need to hide your personal life.7. You can have time to have fun with your friends.8. No need to look into the phone screen too many times a day.9. No fake i love yous' through out the day.10. You can flirt with any girl, you can laugh a lot, you can have mental peace. Choose wisely, live well choose to stay single rather than feeling lonely in someone's company (11 years ago)

relationship when you have a beautiful gf otherwise single  (11 years ago)

internationallover lovership (11 years ago)

Let me Thinkmybe both cuz all people have difrent reasons for me same have bf or not m still happie have no tension (11 years ago)

DostiSHip  (11 years ago)

Aloneship  (11 years ago)

RelationShip  (11 years ago)

may be all may be all freakin all (11 years ago)

ღ Happily in love 2 better than 1 ❤♡❤  (11 years ago)

hehe sir  (11 years ago)

both are not happy (11 years ago)

best answer should be"Well they both kinda have their advantages.Being with someone you get that butterfly in your tummy feeling and feel loved. Being close to someone.But single, you don't have to deal with going out of your way extra to get ready and make yourself loook good for someone all the time, or have all that drama that comes with a relationship, trust issues, jealousy. (11 years ago)

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