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 Do women have more affairs than men?

its obivous ..men have more affairs thn women cz they are more expert in flirting thn women (12 years ago)

I think it should be more or less number unless, there are more and more gays and lesbians

haaaaaa exactly ones.. lol  -   Comment by GiFt0101
(May 3 2012 11:44AM)
 (12 years ago)

yup rOda  (12 years ago)

Sometimes girls and some times boys. Both are doing it. (12 years ago)

Sometimes girls, Spmetimes boys. both are doing it. (12 years ago)

men have more ..maybe !! but that doesnt mean women r innocent but they r nOt as clever as men in this thing (flirting)

are you saying that men are clever than women in that aspect?   -   Comment by rodayao
(Apr 29 2012 10:45AM)
 (12 years ago)

@kajuu, it starts with that... (12 years ago)

...dont know what to say....yes i agree with shanky.... (12 years ago)

the topic is of affair's nt of approaching  (12 years ago)

@shanky, if women loves to be cared are you saying boys don't love to be cared? At the Os chatroom men do the first move like approaching women either in public or private  (12 years ago)

@shanky, am happy to see you as the first to reply with my topics.. Hmmnn you sure about your answer? What do you think are the reasons then? (12 years ago)

Do women have more affairs than men? (12 years ago)

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