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 Ans this..

'OTHERS' re here to learn n see how things happen.Don't be confuse think about good things to be achieve.......... (13 years ago)

yeah my friend bala, if i can, m here to help other... And other may b anyone even human or animal...all have feeling... (13 years ago)

yeah my friend bala, if i can, m here to help other... And other may b anyone even human or animal...all have feeling... (13 years ago)

I'm from India.. If you wish, you are welcomed to my page.. (13 years ago)

I'm from India.. If you wish, you are welcomed to my page.. (13 years ago)

Ok dear.. Leave it.. Our os is not battle field.. By the by my name is not phonix.. I'm Phoenixbala.. Do you know about PhoeniX bird..? (13 years ago)

Dear boy.. I think that you are taken too seriously and mistaking.. I already said that it's a funny sayings.. Where, here means not in os.. It means world..  (13 years ago)

For that also you are in the need of others.. Ha.. Haa.. Haaa...  (13 years ago)

How will you get your entertainment by yourself..? (13 years ago)

If you to be entertained, someone should help you.. Without others, you cann't get your entertainment in everywhere.. Take, helping is also entertainment..  (13 years ago)

Hey.. It's a FunnY Q guys.. (13 years ago)

Who are the ''others''? Just wondering. (13 years ago)

I don't thınk so (13 years ago)

If it is true that we are here to Help others, then what eXactly are the others Here foR..? (13 years ago)

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