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 c'è qualcuno di italiano qui?

certo, mi recherò in visita il tuo profilo (13 years ago)

ok..i'll vist in ur profile. (13 years ago)

Rodayao brother valentino did u knw wen u raise a finger on any other three finger raised on yrself too so first see yrself wat u r a beggar having no work bt just playing names of others n making excuse . N dun tell everyone abt yr mom . Atleast that girl have shame bt u r shameless  (13 years ago)

Now the fire has became tooo hot that you cant speak english only italian?true italians are decent unlike you spoiling other peoples name,you are a shame to th entire italian community worldwide,bitch. (13 years ago)

hey, visita il mio profilo! (13 years ago)

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