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 Who has more rights..

 (12 years ago)

i think d QueSt heRe iz " whO haS mOr ryts on chilD n nOt whO lOvs mOre...?" sO i agree wiD ValentinO52.. (12 years ago)

Yeah its actually depends on the best interest of the child and the ability of each parties to provide child supports.. (12 years ago)

yea right jhiezb..  (12 years ago)

if im n0t mistaken, here in our c0untry if the child is under 7 years old, it sh0uld be for the m0ther.. And 7 and ab0ve years old.. Its childs decisi0n whether stay with m0m or dad..  (12 years ago)

What about your mom and dad VALENTIN..? Ha.. Haa.. (12 years ago)

@phoenix,none have more right than the other.both contributed equally,ua dad his dick and ua mom her cunt. (12 years ago)

i'm a girl so m closely wid mom than dad but i always respect n follow dad coz he always give a good advice 4 me ,.... (12 years ago)

Mother (12 years ago)

Who has More Rights on Child? Mom.. or Dad..? (12 years ago)

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