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 Admin Increase Security For Profile !! check it

Iv rcover my account but stL not safe.. I try it on ma 3rd browser and thank god i havnt log it out.. Now ma problem is how to keep it scure.. What if da hacker did nt log out too den both of ownz it?? (12 years ago)

here lots of ids hacked .... so plz Apply The " Security Question " option ... it will help to save any account from hack .. >>> if some one will hack a account then real user can open his/her account again with his/her security ques.. Note :- make like that if user set his/her security ques then he/she cant change his/her ques or ans again .. or make like " Another Password" option for security ques ... if there will available to change security ques and ans then apply this " other Pasword " option ....it mean people can't use "login pasword" For " Security Question Password " then user account will save .. see this >> http://i50.tinypic.com/23m06rd.png and make sure if once pasword or email changed then id will automatic logout from other computer/mobile .  (12 years ago)

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