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 Livein or marriage...?

Lets hear might been side of a c0uple living together without marriage .. nowadays people can't afford marriage .. because in reality y0u w0uld really need m0ney before marriage.. It could p0ssibly be one of the causes.. But im n0t saying that im in fav0r of live in.. this will enter a right educati0n for everyone.. We sh0uld be resp0nsible en0ugh to have an educati0n bey0nd any struggles.. For us to have a better lives..  (12 years ago)

Lets hear might been side of a c0uple living together without marriage .. nowadays people can't afford marriage .. because in reality y0u w0uld really need m0ney before marriage.. It could p0ssibly be one of the causes.. But im n0t saying that im in fav0r of live in.. this will enter a right educati0n for everyone.. We sh0uld be resp0nsible en0ugh to have an educati0n bey0nd any struggles.. For us to have a better lives..  (12 years ago)

livein is simply fo dos couple who dnt trust eachothr,who dnt hv faith in dr relation so dy go fo livein,whch is hopelss..on da othr hand,marriage whch hs evry factor dt a beautiful relation needs..trust,more love,sociaty values and der future..so i'll go fo marriage. (12 years ago)

I am agree with alien.. Marrige is imp.  (12 years ago)

marriage is a neccessary part of every1's life because without marriage.. 1. They cant live with eachother. U can see modern bfs n gfs. 2. They cant make good family. 3. After living as couple, who would b mom n dad of their childern ? 4. Suppose a person whose parents didn't marry eachother, how he would feel? Keep urslf at this point. 5. There r many resposibilities on both i.e bf n gf that they cant fulfill. (12 years ago)

Live in means to live with our patner Nd live as same as the couples by not marrying...No wedding rings nd chain.....Lyk boyfrnd nd girlfrnd....Are u guys(new generation) still interested in wedding costums... (12 years ago)

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