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 Everybdy want a gf nobdy want a sis in a gal why

peace be upon you,Nafaa.sorry 4 enterinig but if u agree to we can make only 1 relation on net that,s frndship then why u dont accept my frndship.Because i am kashmiri or muslim? (12 years ago)

Just Speak from your heart.. (12 years ago)

alien.. I didn't ask the Q @ do you know the meaning of friend? in direct way.. I asked you the Q in indirect way@ why are you using the holy word Friend on everyone... Did you catch it..? See alien, there is no difference between our real life and digital life.. Heartfelting friendships sis-bro relationships and also ugly affairs.. There are crores of GooD Girls and Thousands of BaD Girls Exactly Similar to Boys in the digital world.. I don't believe in Calling all girls as Sisters.. But, I belive in the feeling of 'Sisters' on GooD Girls.. (12 years ago)

yes phoenix.. Most of the boys r eligible as bro for girls but 1 condition must b satisfied by girl that girl should b gud character nd behaviour in boys' sight. Btw, i dont knw meaning of friend. Can u explain its meaning? Now, 1 q to u.. Suppose a man treats every girls as sisters. Will those girls really want to talk wd that man in comparison to those boys who dont treat them as sisters?  (12 years ago)

Is it jhie..? Who is that..? Come on tell us.. (12 years ago)

nafaa.. You are right ma.. Your comment is a hammered one.. (12 years ago)

Ha.. Haa..! What a Q..¿ I ask a simple Q at you alien.. Do all the boys have the eligibility to call them as brothers by a girl..? Not at all.. I think, we can find a boy/girl is right or wrong is his/her self introduction by direct way or indirect way.. Do you know the meaning of friend? Friendship is also a holy one as sisterhood/brotherhood.. When, friendship is possible in this media, then everything is possible.. We are the functionaries of our culture.. Ha..Haa.. (12 years ago)

Ha.. Haa..! What a Q..¿ I ask a simple Q at you alien.. Do all the boys have the eligibility to call them as brothers by a girl..? Not at all.. I think, we can find a boy/girl is right or wrong is his/her self introduction by direct way or indirect way.. Do you know the meaning of friend? Friendship is also a holy one as sisterhood/brotherhood.. When, friendship is possible in this media, then everything is possible.. We are the functionaries of our culture.. Ha..Haa.. (12 years ago)

I dnt want gf i want sis in . .  (12 years ago)

hi (12 years ago)

mams is right. Make them friend. 1st all r girls eligible to become as sisters? Check the behavior of girls. For example see xxgirlxx that rarely came in mforum. Other dirty girls. And some girls which seem gud girls, also have bfs (numbers varies frm girls to girls) who will accept all these girls as sisters? At least i not ! Even they r not able to become lover. Friend is better opt.. (12 years ago)

Oops... What a silly thought is yours..! If you had treated as your brother, you won't ask this silly Q.. Just come out from your materialistic life which makes you to think in materialistic way always... You've to know that what is life... (12 years ago)

And, whats mean by Just friend...? Don't use the invaluable word Friend in this matter... (12 years ago)

Just friend..! As you sow so you reap.. When you are not ready to take a girl as sister, then how will she take you as brother..? According to me, everything is possible in net when you are true.. Most of guys say as we come to net@chatroom for fun only... I ask a simple Q at them... How will you feel the fun when you are wearing a fake mask..? Be frank and true.. (12 years ago)

Ya ths Q is so nce specialy 4 whm who dnt hve any care 4 sistr...... (12 years ago)

Sowi i ment phenomenon (12 years ago)

Haha its a human phenomeon lol , dis z social networkin world , hea ppl join each day jus 4 havin fun , flirtin n ol stuffs , i dnt think there r alota ppl hea creatin a sisterhood ideas hehe  (12 years ago)

hmmm very gud topic raj.. (12 years ago)

raj - are you sure??  (12 years ago)

Hmmm.. GooD Q Raj... I think, I'm not the list as you mention.. Do one thing Raj... There are many sisters here in our forum page.. Please call them as sis only... Hokay...? (12 years ago)

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