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 not changable one

as no 1 is perfect, so i dnt knw medical terms. I also knw that a particular blood type n dnt change. But its nt mean that blood type cant change. Anywaz, memory is also change. Btw, which memory u r talking abt? Electric memory or human memory? (13 years ago)

no i dnt knw ms. Brennan's personality. N u? Well, i have my own thinking abt evry matter. Also books gives gud knwldge. I knw that. (13 years ago)

Ok lets not talk about medical terms as some of you may not understand them. How about MEMORIES! does it change?  (13 years ago)

alien2012 - do you know Ms. Brennan personally? If not, then how sure are you that she provided a real statement? You can see lot of books at bookstore with credible references, why dont you check them out?  (13 years ago)

Yeah i agree wid baala . Change is the unchangeble thing in d world (13 years ago)

u rt baala, 'change is the thing that doesnt change' (13 years ago)

u rt baala, 'change is the thing that doesnt change' (13 years ago)

say* not tell* (13 years ago)

ok leave all things aside. Just tell me, what would u tell about Demi-Lee Brennan, an Australian citizen whose blood type changed from O- to O+? (13 years ago)

FYI i am from medical allied. (13 years ago)

alien - your blood type is your blood type for your entire life span. Your blood type also affects your organs etc should a transplant be needed. FYI, you also could never get a transfusion of blood that does not match your own. It could lead to severe complications and even be fatal. The link you provided is an ABO incompatibility which commonly accur in pregnant women but that doesnt mean that blood type can be change..FYI ABO incompatibility is also fatal. (13 years ago)

go to en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_type  (13 years ago)

yup, i knew that u will not agree with me so here is its proof.  (13 years ago)

blood type cannot be change. i am a philosopist by the way. (13 years ago)

yup i didnt undrstnd..but nw i have undrstood  (13 years ago)

Only the Change is not changable in this world..  (13 years ago)

it was just joke ...i think evry thing can change bcoz GOD can do anything..any world .everytime . (13 years ago)

it was just joke ...i think evry thing can change bcoz GOD can do anything..any world .everytime . (13 years ago)

Ook nw i got it. (13 years ago)

u all r wrong ....bcoz it is dogs tail.....ha ha ha (13 years ago)

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