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 Y boyzz r flirty

Coz they need hell yeah attention! Tsss... Boys who dumped their gf dont deserve respect! (13 years ago)

Haha..flirt is in humans nature. Evrybody flirts n farts! Haha..watcha' say guys? (13 years ago)

What is 'FLIRT'? (13 years ago)

What is 'FLIRT'? (13 years ago)

What is 'FLIRT'?  (13 years ago)

if u filrt stil 95 den u hav to wait anthr 95.. (13 years ago)

tumcha aicho bhok (13 years ago)

Hey thats too much (13 years ago)

^gud.. (13 years ago)

thre are lots of stuff to do othr dan flirtin, do sum thng constructive, creative man . N ya wait 4 ur best match. She/he definitly will cum into yur lyf be patient  (13 years ago)

^no flirtng, so watz next..? (13 years ago)

flirt is starter , dan u have food(girl) dan in the end dessert (you fall in love with da same meal ) so dont flirt guys otherwise you have to pay very high cost (the same girl to whom u flirted gonna ruin rest of ur lyf wi  (13 years ago)

flirt is starter , dan u have food(girl) dan in the end dessert (you fall in love with da same meal ) so dont flirt guys otherwise you have to pay very high cost (the same girl to whom u flirted gonna ruin rest of ur lyf wi  (13 years ago)

flirt is starter , dan u have food(girl) dan in the end dessert (you fall in love with da same meal ) so dont flirt guys otherwise you have to pay very high cost (the same girl to whom u flirted gonna ruin rest of ur lyf wi  (13 years ago)

Flirt is gud bcz girls want it so we do (13 years ago)

here no one iz flrty.., watz wrong in flrting?,sometimez it is gud to b bad... (13 years ago)

Every1 r nt flrty  (13 years ago)

coz boys want attention so they r ......  (13 years ago)

yeah rite keshav. Gals want fun 4m boys..n nly flirt boys can give fun to them.  (13 years ago)

bcoz grlz like that (13 years ago)

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