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 Opera mini

im using opera mini 5.1 and it can smothly download and upload anytime,this version is the best 4 me  (13 years ago)

Use only that version of opera mini which is meant for your device. Let me know, in which device you had tried opera mini and its version? May be i can help you. (13 years ago)

zabelonely download om5.. From m.opera.com browser will have fast speed (13 years ago)

¤opera 5.1¤ Introduction Tabbed browsing Browse several Web sites at the same time, jumping from one to another with ease. Speed Dial Go to your favourite Web pages with just one click, using a set of visual bookmarks. Long-click menus By long-clicking with the select button, you can perform actions such as opening a link in a new tab, editing a speed dial and copying and pasting text. Remember passwords Effortlessly remember your passwords, logging in to your favourite sites with a single click. Opera Link Synchronise your bookmarks, speed dial and search engines between your mobile phone and desktop computer. To get started, enable Opera Link from the settings menu. Power scrolling Scroll at warp speed using your phone's keypad. Hit 2 to go up, 4 to go left, 6 to go right and 8 to go down. Opera Mini snaps the view to the content. Hit 5 to zoom in and out. (13 years ago)

i dwnld in google (13 years ago)

Maybe it's because memory ir almost full, i als0 never experienced anythinx tht, n0w i usng 4.2 opmin, that opmin,where you downld? (13 years ago)

slow loading, not as usual, what should I do? (13 years ago)

Then the prblm whre? (13 years ago)

opmin yes I was good, I was able tobrowse (13 years ago)

Chek y0ur phone confgration . . . Not bad . . (13 years ago)

dear I'm using opera mini 5.1 beta but why not loading very slow as usual and I really liked it did not drain my wallet, I check that everything is just right what was wrong, now I'm using opera mini 5 (13 years ago)

(13 years ago)

if u r downloading java version of opera mini then it will install frist then a form will come accept it if it is operamini5.1 For downloading and page save make sure u have given right read and write permission which is depend on ur mobile. (13 years ago)

if u r downloading java version of opera mini then it will install frist then a form will come accept it if it is operamini5.1 For downloading and page save make sure u have given right read and write permission which is depend on ur mobile. (13 years ago)

1st Just download it, and open , enter addrass, or sait's, u can serch,dowanload, etc.... opera latest version 5.1 dis version more advantege's and simple use, u can minimaiz dowload anthor, R u ok ? More detail visit me  (13 years ago)

its easy not difficult to use..try it  (13 years ago)

How 2 use opera mini? (13 years ago)

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