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 Why there are no Hindu players in Paki cricket or hockey team?

It may be due to the Policy of Pakistan Govt.. They are narrow minded in this religious matter.. Our Indian Govt is Independent of any religions.. We don't show any partiality on any religion.. Its our great policy... Don't use this kind of bad words guys... (13 years ago)

yeah degeneration and 1 mre thing they afraid of hindu' big lund hahahahahahaha (13 years ago)

yeh hunk ryt hindu will fuck their mother  (13 years ago)

coz hindu will fuck their mothers (13 years ago)

Muslims keep crying Hindus are bad. But if you see both Muslims - Pakis and Bongees - have no Hindus in their team. Its high time, India seriously reconsidered its policy. Hindus are badly treated in both these Katua countries. In fact the main grouse these Mr. Cutts have with Taslima Nasreen is that as a good human being she highlighted the fear and plight on Hindus in bongeeladesh. Bhagavan, if there are demons on this earth, It is them, it is them, it is them. (13 years ago)

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