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 I proud become muslim

Ya Allah, when these dogs are going to stop barking...please give them some food i think they need it..and little brain. He he he he.. (13 years ago)

humanité et dignité sont plus importan ts (13 years ago)

toutefois je respecte toutes les réligions (13 years ago)

i proud to b tunisian and muslum (13 years ago)

Npa ya da urang jahil ni kan? (13 years ago)

muslim = terrorist its a real fact but all muslim r not terrorist but all terrorist r not good they r stupid  (13 years ago)

please,please,please.mr funny funny,please dont go,here in os is a fountain of knowledge and wisdom. (13 years ago)

hope ur God wiLL save u..go keep insuLt musLim..im tired of u two..hope uLL b happy for everythin u said in here..just 1 thing i ask, u better stop insuLt others beLief.. cuz u two dun have rights for that..Let them beLieve what they beLieve..im done with u two..im done with ur crap..im tired of it..so enjoy ur time to insuLt musLim..Hope uLL get satisfy with it..my fren said that OS is cooL, but aLL i got in here onLy peopLe who insuLt my beLief..i better get back to my YM frens..cyah..have a nice day..God bLess (13 years ago)

hope ur God wiLL save u..go keep insuLt musLim..im tired of u two..hope uLL b happy for everythin u said in here..just 1 thing i ask, u better stop insuLt others beLief.. cuz u two dun have rights for that..Let them beLieve what they beLieve..im done with u two..im done with ur crap..im tired of it..so enjoy ur time to insuLt musLim..Hope uLL get satisfy with it..my fren said that OS is cooL, but aLL i got in here onLy peopLe who insuLt my beLief..i better get back to my YM frens..cyah..have a nice day..God bLess (13 years ago)

@jay,isnt funny that mr funny funny is acting funny? He he he. Mr funny funny whether i use a K or Q i still pass my message and you understand thats why you post your reply.i dont fight what you believe in because you were brainwashed since childhood and i know it can take me a while to bring you back to normalcy but i fight what you practice in the name of religion. (13 years ago)

Its AL-QURAN u moron, NOT koran..u dunna what EXACTLY what its mean, so dun u dare to give any comment bout that!!Lemme ask u this, DO U HAVE RIGHTS TO JUDGE WHAT PEOPLE BELIVE?? (13 years ago)

Its AL-QURAN u moron, NOT koran..u dunna what EXACTLY what its mean, so dun u dare to give any comment bout that!!Lemme ask u this, DO U HAVE RIGHTS TO JUDGE WHAT PEOPLE BELIVE?? (13 years ago)

hey mr funnyfunny,you say what?palestine and israel is no religion war but muslim use that to practice what is written in the koran.shame on you. (13 years ago)

@jay, only some muslims have abused our bhagwan. Then Why u dnt abuse them only and not their God Allah. And jay, If u know what is the faith in God u would never abuse other's Allah. And 1 more thing i dnt thing that they r muslims.thay r a type of terrorist who spread hate.  (13 years ago)

@phoenix, decapitated39 n jay will not accept at any cost that all muslims r not terrorist. Bcs they have learned frm their surrounding. So its waste to tell them abut muslims. (13 years ago)

Hey Jay..onLy few musLims abused ur bhagwan but u bLame aLL musLims for that..thats very very wrong..u better read that phoenix write carefuLLy..aLL he said onLy asked u to respect others..do u think onLy musLims who abuse..?do u think other reLigion dun do that to musLim?u go to paLestine n open ur eyes wideLy, hear carefuLLy, then uLL know how buLLshit everythin u said.. (13 years ago)

hey (13 years ago)

Those who live in the mirror house shud not throw the stones. (13 years ago)

#Decapitated... You are totally wrong with your thoughts.. Just clean your dirty eyes man.... If you've guts to fight against terrorists, take your arms up against terrorists.. Don't spit your stupid words against muslims.. You should respects others.. If you blame other religion people, then you are an uncultivated guy of your religion... You are all strong in your thought about your god and your religion.. Are you strong in humanity..? If you are a pure christian/hindu/man (ha..ha..), you won't blame others... If you are human of humanity You will change your attitude.. If not, I've go to learn that how to express my passion of this thought through your barking language... (13 years ago)

@saddam26 u r wrong it should be human (humanity) + islam = terrorist (13 years ago)

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