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 iPhone or Andorid ?

Walalalala le 3x walalalehoe (14 years ago)

android all tha way htc hero iz the shit (14 years ago)

moto droid hands down (14 years ago)

i  (14 years ago)

i  (14 years ago)

daughter stopped my iphone n the tub: ( so switched back to verizon n have the htc droid Eris..I likes the iphone better.. (14 years ago)

moto droid is the best by far (14 years ago)

i just literaly got my droid & totally love it! i have the one with keyboard & it rocks! itr better than my old crackberry! (14 years ago)

Funny how T-MOBILE has had ANDROID 4 Longer than a yr, but nvr brags & now all of the sudden sorry ass VERIZON has android & thats all they advertise about, lol my vote: ANDROID (14 years ago)

I waited for iphone to be on a nonATT network.I checked it out and it just seemed awkward. Then i tried the motto droid and wow. the options compared to iphone - like touch screen and slide out qwerty. It's so easy to use and Verizons' network. I'm like finaly a smartphone for me. (14 years ago)

I have had both. I prefer my my touch over the iphone I had any day. less problems with apps and service. and iys (14 years ago)

I have had both. I prefer my my touch over the iphone I.  (14 years ago)

i have the my touch i think. it is good except for the keypad like now when i turn the phone the keyboard is supposed to go the long way but it doesn't go but for the most part. i think it's a good pick up (14 years ago)

Android all the way, love my HTC Hero (14 years ago)

Android all the way, love my HTC Hero (14 years ago)

I have G1 and i love it, had it when it first came out and im still finding out new things about this phone. i never dropped a call, my pics are clear and easy to place wherever i want it to go. For the person that is having problems with G1 pics download the Dolphin browser u will find it is easier to access all operations u use and some. Love Android (14 years ago)

i got the droid from verizon nd its by far the best phone iv ever had! (14 years ago)

who wants apple's over priced shit. (14 years ago)

who wants apple's over priced shit. (14 years ago)

i love my Motorola Droid i just home some makes an app for a remote start, keyless entry nd alarm for my truck like tha iphone and viper security system that would be sweet (14 years ago)

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