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muslims r terrorist nt most all terrorist r muslim . We r ashamed due to muslims  (13 years ago)

muslims r terrorist nt most all terrorist r muslim . We r ashamed due to muslims  (13 years ago)

There are already a lot of comments regarding muslims.can we stop that now and plz don't hurt the feelings of others (13 years ago)

all terrorists r nt muslims bt majority among terrorists are muslims ... (13 years ago)

all terrorists r nt muslims bt majority among terrorists are muslims ... (13 years ago)

There are many terrorists who are not muslim. (13 years ago)

Am not a muslim valentino.And i can say something.The people who proclaim they are muslim anddoing terrorism is not only an insult to muslims but also to our country and the great allha. (13 years ago)

situation of the country is making the terorist to the peoples. (13 years ago)

does it mean those who practise terrorism are not true muslim?then you so called 'true muslims' should root out those 'fake muslims' instead of shielding them.that would the first step to clean your image. (13 years ago)

Ayesha don't feel bad about that.every 1 is telling about there views.And i totally agree with u a true muslim never can be a terrorist and never will be. (13 years ago)

what about 'all terrorists are muslims' (13 years ago)

Every Muslim is not terrorist  (13 years ago)

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