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 H0w do u d0 when y0ur friendship l0ving u????

May that is forbiden relationship..!!u must tell her abt that..ur better to be friendship than be forbiden relationship (13 years ago)

@Briye! N0 way!  (13 years ago)

Friendshhp without love is like living in hell so tell her that, you love her (13 years ago)

Accept it... (13 years ago)

I need c0mment huehue^^ (13 years ago)

I also loving. (13 years ago)

@jinnykawai: you're a japanese right. Because you speak nihonggo. (13 years ago)

0hayo gosaimasu! Mata ashita!  (13 years ago)

Mochi mochi! Sumimasen! O gengi desu ka.  (13 years ago)

anyway.. just want to tell u that u r not alone,..lmao this happend to me not just once, twice, but 5 times.... (13 years ago)

you are a female? i thought ur a guy hiding ur real identity...lmfao... sorry mybad..lmao (13 years ago)

N0 way! I w0n't fall in l0ve with female! And n0w i have a b0yfriend s0 n0way hahaha (13 years ago)

We're met an0ther pers0n everyday but n0w im think itz g0ing to be change!  (13 years ago)

seems this thing freaking u out huh..lmfao.. i bet u will fall in love with her soon... hahahahaha (13 years ago)

N0pe.. Shez study with me and Her's h0me is near my h0me! Shez s0 cute and beautie but i d0n't kn0w why she said she l0ve me! Im g0ing t0 crazy sure!  (13 years ago)

hmmmnnn.. u met this girl over d net?  (13 years ago)

Shez my friendship shez namez jinny.. Her profile JinNyKawaii.. I want u to kn0w her and talk t0 her!  (13 years ago)

@maymay, hmmm am starting to wonder wats in u that made this poor friend of urs do crazy stuffs...lmao (13 years ago)

Laughing is gud 4 health. Thanks. Well,@maymay, u shouldn't talk wd her(him) anymore...Juz ignore her(him)...Well merry christmas to all. (13 years ago)

She told me she l0ve me.. And n0w i started to scary of her!! I can't beleive it a girl l0ve me oh n0... Itz hard to understand!  (13 years ago)

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