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 Rodayao ur a clever girl ignore those people...

jaysean is acting like a gay. (13 years ago)

shame on you babez u down because of 10 inch vagina n horny breat of this women shame on you because u r insulting thosr pplz who r really clever also to reply me there is a need of daring well that women is famous bt nt clever bt she is clever in flirting she had 10 boyfreinds at a time n i always hungry to knw how she flirted 10 pplz,at a time by girl point of view (13 years ago)

I dont know them personally, I just met them here in OS way ago... (13 years ago)

hii please to meet you. Alot of people arw saying hatred things about you but be strong and be yourself. Plus do u know the guyz in real life? (13 years ago)

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