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 which is the part of your body that you don't like and the part than you like, and why?

some people hate their some of their own body,but we should be thankful to Him..because of Him we exist although we are not perfect as we wanted..actually not everybody perfect...n if we are so perfect there no mean us to be boy n girl right? (13 years ago)

i like my body but i hate my bad vices (13 years ago)

i like all me, because i'm fabulously pretty! Haha is joke, i like all my body!  (13 years ago)

I like my heart. (13 years ago)

Give em mooooooo...... teachings and good vibes,yuvanne baby. (13 years ago)

Give em mooooooo...... teachings and good vibes,yuvanne baby. (13 years ago)

Pamuwa's absolutely right.Our maker with His Love n perfection made u & me,we r His creation n shud be thankfull 4 He made each one of us in His own image.  (13 years ago)

its better to read between d lines all d time..lol (13 years ago)

thanks 2 pemuwa and kendo 4 u'r cmment! (13 years ago)

me?i love my eyes..hate...hand,cz its luk lyk mans hand..(workaholic) (13 years ago)

If u dislike ur foot then cut it off and become handi mad man hahaha! (13 years ago)

pamuwa, it doen't mean i say that i dislike my foot, should i donated 2 smebdy else, but if realy necesry why huh! stisfied pamuwa take care and good luck 2 u... (13 years ago)

how do u cherish the idea of a one footed Ayen?ask ua Maker to take and give it to someone who doesnt have. (13 years ago)

i dislike my foot hehehe (13 years ago)

now i so sad (13 years ago)

idiot! Does it mean ua Maker made some mistake?wish u cud say ua breath and He cud take it away. (13 years ago)

haha. Why dislike your nails, Jack? (13 years ago)

I dislike my nails. (13 years ago)

greetings! d part of my body that i hate most is my HAIR..lol hahahaha..need a rebond treatment.. errr! and my asset is my face i think..lmao sometimes 1st impression last.. hahahaha (13 years ago)

i hope your answer!  (13 years ago)

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