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 Why do most white women like black men?

So any white chick looking for a black guy should just say so. I am here. (14 years ago)

So any white chick looking for a black guy should just say so. I am here. (14 years ago)

Hahaha! Black guyz are said to be strong and sexy! I'm not gay, but I heard some girls talkin bout it! (14 years ago)

Its simple.black guyz re d boom.white chicks jst cn't get enough of em black guyz. N ma guy is datin a korean,so guyz com on! (14 years ago)

Hahaha..read about ur's comment about this topic me laugh louder.. (14 years ago)

There r but not korean..They just frm america..We did not have niger-korean,....And i never see the korean chick like nigir.  (14 years ago)

Not all, but most of white love black just for sex.  (14 years ago)

@xiah hey do korean chicks like black men. (14 years ago)

Sex wit u?Wow just accept it..U r handsome for them..And maybe they addictive.. (14 years ago)

Shahid please explain well, some white chicks around me wants to have ___ with me. (14 years ago)

bcaus dark skinned can give more love after feel guilty against his ,her fare skin . (14 years ago)

bcaus dark skinned can give more love after feel guilty against his ,her fare skin . (14 years ago)

no comment (14 years ago)

Yeah...we're just kidding but some of them is true and i not gay (14 years ago)

Dnkynamo,we just kidding..But it true..It not gay talking about our sex organ look like,coz we learn in bio or sci... (14 years ago)

bcoz girl dön't sow black and white But they see heart of men. (14 years ago)

Why are u guyz saying all dis are u gay. (14 years ago)

Why are u guyz saying all dis are u gay. (14 years ago)

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...I will not cut the skin,however it fast or somethng..Its weird,small and the head of penis is always outside...Its beter like my own..Not cut..It likd turtle head..Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (14 years ago)

Try it 4 urself (14 years ago)

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