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though it was 10 yrs ago, the memories r still here in my mind n in my heart. It still makes me smile. Those sweet memories of my young love, sweet love. (14 years ago)

first lov is import deepest on person so much that changing lovers look out.he(she)supposing that anyone isnt nicer her(his)lov.1st labor is intense depression when lost lov.so word of 2th lov is tosh.if hapend love .its first n end love.n if lost it we life losting.so u wid 2 hands try 4 safe ur love.cuse dont hapend other love.n thing com after is alike it.isnt root. in end n however; excuse me 4 driveling!  (14 years ago)

Things become unforgetabl whn u r nt involvd nd nethn... Nd whn u regrt 4 wht u did.. . Try avoidin both. ..  (14 years ago)

1st love is last love, (14 years ago)

first love is unforgetable, above all if the boy that you love is in your class and everyday you see he...  (14 years ago)

oh it quite unsidelined remembrance.  (14 years ago)

oh it quite unsidelined remembrance.  (14 years ago)

hi (14 years ago)

ya buddy it is un4getable (14 years ago)

ya it's hard to forget,4me it was a bad xperience which i cnt 4get (14 years ago)

first love is unforgotable, isn't it? (14 years ago)

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