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 Which of manga comic and anime do u like?

Hitman reborn,fairytail,eye shield and nana...who like it? (14 years ago)

by the way just call me Qaf...dont have 2 be formal cause i like the simple way or easiest way (14 years ago)

by the way just call me Qaf...dont have 2 be formal cause i like the simple way (14 years ago)

About that i just kidding...i only stare at it and shut up if i see that thing and death note i only watch the movie not the anime...maybe later cause the movie is good (14 years ago)

Qaf94 Maybe dont like the Dead of character in no one anime? In anime of adventure or action for example Naruto in this anime have Dead of characters, Death note (Very Good) have Deads and other much (14 years ago)

No...i will say WoW cause i like it (14 years ago)

YUCK was formal..If u see blood wat u say?yuck..If u r gurl maybe u screaming AAAAHHHH.If u see hand wat u said if u gentlemen?U say Yuck.. (14 years ago)

Detective conan is good but why theres many murdered victim in this anime (14 years ago)

I like anime :♥ Cardcaptor sakura♥ Detective conan♥ Naruto♥etc. (14 years ago)

I like anime :♥ Cardcaptor sakura♥ Detective conan♥ Naruto♥etc. (14 years ago)

Many torture chamber in this movie...but i like this movie cause the 'jigsaw' use brain 2 create the torture room...its depend on the victim 2 work 2gether or use own instinct (14 years ago)

Hey...its killing people why u said 'yuck' and 'eeiuu' its not gross...its weird and crazy...has anyone have see 'SAW' movie the feeling when u saw this movie is like that... (14 years ago)

Yuck was formal..Haha (14 years ago)

Its not 'yuck' its more like 'eeiuu' (14 years ago)

What anime School boy that killing?That was horrorable..Yuck!! (14 years ago)

Owh...maybe later i'll download it...in z alphabet (14 years ago)

Yes for this i tell you what i dont liked much but for the liked this kind of anime is fine, history of love, dont you see Tayutama or Zero no Tsukaima? I see Tayutama and Zero no Tsukaima is for After in january or when i go to the house of My friend (14 years ago)

Thats not a love story...its sound more like a sad story or scary story or....i dont know somthing with sad ending...i more like love story that have happy ending.. (14 years ago)

In the stomach no have nothing baby asi what only was a lie for what the boy stay with she, in the final the 1 girl in a boat in the ocean With the head of the boy, and she said: finally we are together. I have a picture of the 2 girls in My profile  (14 years ago)

Finally she kill him With the knife and Run cry, the 1 girl enter in the house and see him in the floor, After she (Very LOVE of him) cut the head of the boy, After she kill the second girl With other knife and open her stomach for see the baby but...  (14 years ago)

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