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 Why People think Korean boy is gay?

he was killed becuz it was writen in buk of God dat He would die 4 our sin and would b rose 2 heaven after 3 days..now lets us end da topic of JESUS AND CUM BACK 2 TOPIC... (14 years ago)

We believe jesus will come to us for continue the Father Kingdom... And same to islam,they believe Jesus will come to continue the Allah Kingdom and jesus as the prophet to continue the Muhammad Teaching for their god....Hahaha,why islam and christ always have similarity..Like jesus,moses,abraham,mary,allah.........And WHY ISRAEL SO STUPID TO KILL JESUS..Israel stupid (14 years ago)

tel' em bonnie! tel' em.... nice 1.  (14 years ago)

yes..der is diffrnce between catholic and protestant...protestants include baptist, presbeterian n non catholic christian .catholic worship even Mother Mary while protestants dont...catholic have Bishop n nuns whereas protestants have Pastor...Despite of having Difference we all Believe in CHRIST..Thats why we must not quarell or fight amgost da Christian..we must learn 2 b true Christian and help your christian fellows..i am saying this not to hurt any one but 2 unite..and serve Lord JESUS N Charity 2 Mankind.. (14 years ago)

Hahahaha...What the difrence between Us? The protestant and catholic? Is it difrent? Yes we dunt believe such saint like santa clouse,saint valentine.. (14 years ago)

please dont fight..we are all Christian , believer of Jesus and eternal life from him..Though we r Catholic,Baptist, protestant we are all christian believer of christ, Jesus never taught us 2 fight amogst ourselve..I am catholic but my mom is protestants (14 years ago)

muete guantamona morachiii! hah ha ha xiah!..............stop naggin xiah!  (14 years ago)

Araso..Kwaenchana.....U should ask first but u nag me first,so i angry...Kwaenchana.. (14 years ago)

Jeez..That the black altitude to WHITE...Civil war! Remember? African Slave and White Leader?? That wat jesus didnt told bfore he been murder by Israel..Israel suck (14 years ago)

hmmmm! its ok mixkiss i thought xiah said i'm idiot, sorry 4 naggin at ur best frnd........sorry xiah i thought u said i'm idiot i misunderstood u. sory sory sory ok? my apologies......4 naggin at u xiah. (14 years ago)

Heh Arshavin. Why u call him like that? jesus is our Supreme god too. Xiah said "read ur bible idiot" is for me not u arshavin. I knw u r indian but dunt talk like that to him. He is my saviour too. Jesus and Xiah are gods to me. (14 years ago)

Heh quit. Im xiah bestfriend. I never said xiah fault in here but u r the first nagging and calling him Fucking Racist. But it all u two fault. Dunt talk bout BIBLE in korea. The best thing its diffrent in Religon. Jesus is our Leader to bring to his god (God). It many thing are difrent. We just acept wat people call u. U r absoloutly black. (14 years ago)

fuckin racist, thast's why u never learn!...........4rm the lookz of things here i dnt think u deserve 2 be mixkiss's frnd, cuz he seems 2 understand morethan u do. @xiah fuckin numskul! what u knw abt jesus? ztupid dunce talk abt ma zaviour. eat shit all i care xiah..............  (14 years ago)

fuckin racist, thast's why u never learn!...........4rm the lookz of things here i dnt think u deserve 2 be mixkiss's frnd, cuz he seems 2 understand morethan u do. @xiah fuckin numskul! what u knw abt jesus? ztupid dunce talk abt ma zaviour. eat shit all i care xiah..............  (14 years ago)

Shut up black man...Jesus is not ur god......Black are difrent frm jesus..Mixu Master..U just same as the carton Mix Master.. (14 years ago)

f**kin pegan!!! u dnt jst get do u? @mixkiss: ur best friend shuld behave civilized and not like a local junky!!!!!  (14 years ago)

Expat 20:1..."thou shall not take XIAH CHUN or Lord in pain,He our lord the god of himself" Expat 20:2 "thou shall i bound,thou shall i burn,gods the supreme of Korea" (14 years ago)

Heh guys. Peace. African and Asian should be peace. Forgive my bestfriend. Jesus not give life to us but our Father and Mother and that soul frm GODS(JESUS FATHERs)... (14 years ago)

@xiah: i'm not islam. u wanna knw? i'm a christian, so u wanna knw why i said u shuld read ur bible? cuz u ask if our lord jesus was gay........''abomination'' u hav no respect 4 christ who gave his life 4 u! cuz it is writen ''thou shall not use the name of the lord thy in GOD vain exodus 20:7.'' read mahn!!!!  (14 years ago)

Huh? U nag me?..Who care who my god..Is he JESUS or ur god allah.....Islam just same just like u...Mixkiss ask is he want to be "christian" or "budha" but U ALL SCUM SAID "islam"...Its out of topic..Even u told me to read that BIBLE...Who want to read it? We are protestant...Are u Islamcatholic or pure islam?Then why u told me to read my bible? (14 years ago)

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