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Just call me Tei (14 years ago)

nietei u always have a way with words,wonderful. (14 years ago)

Pemuwa,not all moslem are like that..We have to use Jihad(war) in order to make our religion not been Shame by other religion,but that not been use by other peace nation like the Brunei and Malaxsia. Allah already said in Quran "if u kill 1 people mean u kill whole mankind" meaning u cant kill people without reason or witout Court,it was big sin to kill 1 person the sin almost same the whole mankind(i think) (14 years ago)

Pemuwa,not all moslem are like that..We have to use Jihad(war) in order to make our religion not been Shame by other religion,but that not been use by other peace nation like the Brunei and Malaxsia. Allah already said in Quran "if u kill 1 people mean u kill whole mankind" meaning u cant kill people without reason or witout Court,it was big sin to kill 1 person the sin almost same the whole mankind(i think) (14 years ago)

mr moha i have afew bones to pick wth islam.1st why r muslims so aggresive,warlike and see for uaself where there is muslim majority there is no peace? (14 years ago)

Continue~in PreARABIC religion believe Allah has two daugther but the real He didnt have any Son or daughther..In Islam,we believe that Christian and Jew are our brother..In Islam to,killing are sin. Allah said "if u kill 1 person that mean u kill whole mankind"..And Muhammad said "there is no end of day if Islam not make war on the Trouble Maker(jews)" (14 years ago)

brilliant of you nietei (14 years ago)

Allah mean God.. In Islam, Allah is the only god that exist in their believe.. Before islam came. Allah was an Pre-arabic moon gods. They knew allah exist from Jesus. Jesus said "pray to Allah,the god of all" (14 years ago)

I have a prblem about islam,cn u tell me hu is allah? (14 years ago)

Salam jadoon. . (14 years ago)

Oh really?. Can u predict my future? (14 years ago)

Helo to every one. . My name is muhammad ajmal jadoon. . M new in dis site..i want to tell my all frnds dat m spritual person. . M dealing to spritual problem..f u hve any helth problem den tell me..inshallah u wil feel gud (14 years ago)

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