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 Wat 2 do?

Let him know how much he loved u...just make him realise that he is ur life...boys are so much true when it comes to true love...he still loves u but i think he wants to know how much u miss him...but if it is not so...get him to see the things which had made u get closer in life...and pls don't hurt urself coz it is of no use...good luck sis (14 years ago)

Let him know how much he loved u...just make him realise that he is ur life...boys are so much true when it comes to true love...he still loves u but i think he wants to know how much u miss him...but if it is not so...get him to see the things which had made u get closer in life...and pls don't hurt urself coz it is of no use...good luck sis (14 years ago)

love is about give and take,dont stress uaself hun let bird fly and if its truly yours it will came back home to roost. (14 years ago)

Maybe the reas0n why he d0esnt wanna talk t0 y0u is because he d0ent want t0 be with y0u anym0re., maybe he is just using the misunderstanding t0 get away.. (14 years ago)

U shld test her...n y beautiful cnt love true..yar..so 1st test her ok... (14 years ago)

Yes the beauty girl..My mother say the beauty girl always not having good heart..And when i see that is true.. (14 years ago)

I dont Believe in Girl,xpecialy the beuty gurl (14 years ago)

It's your problem..You know,i like this girl but her not love me but once upon a time her really love me but i ignore her..I don't know if her still love me or not..Can you tell me?  (14 years ago)

Thnx.. (14 years ago)

c if u really luv hm den dont leave hm.jus keep on tryin.d word trust is required in both f u.it wil tak a longtym.nd if in ne case u fal in luv again dats ur lucky.he is a unlucky guy coz he got d person hu luvs hm a lot.bt he wil cum 2 knw after sumtym.nd dont dese bullshit kind f stuff lyk cuttin ur hands. (14 years ago)

yup..i agree.. (14 years ago)

if ur love doesnt work again for him,,it mean there's another guy will love u more..it's ok girl to loose someone who not loving u truly.. (14 years ago)

Hey frnds..i nid a advice I love a guy alot he is ma lyf cnt even imagine ma lyf witout him..v were in relation 4m 2 yrs n nw coz of sum misunderstandin he brk up wit me n i tried 2 clear dat misunderstandin bt den too he is nt tlkg 2 me..even i cut ma hand dat after he get news he ll tlk 2 me bt he say ma frnds dat m dng drama..i realy love him alot pls hlp pls..wat 2 do?? (14 years ago)

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