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YourFirstFriend@ i created for my mobile model after tat also i have tat problem (12 years ago)

YourFirstFriend@ i created for my mobile model only (12 years ago)

YourFirstFriend@ i tried to enter site but in mobile form (i use my PC but using mobile form ) and it worked but when i change to normal website i can't create theme. (12 years ago)

YourFirstFriend@What are you mean??? (12 years ago)

Ghillimanie@ maybe your bg had not uploaded.. Try to create new theme for your mobile modal.. (12 years ago)

Rory@There are multiple redirect, Likely will need you to clear cache and start to create a theme from scratch. (12 years ago)

YourFirstFriend i created themes with template from my mobile and i downloaded it when i apply that theme to my mobile, template n menu background still ll not appear n wallpaper still only appear. (12 years ago)

yes i did that cleaned and removed some files and cookies by that software but same problem (12 years ago)

yes i run it and no progress

no progress first install that software then clean up your pc   -   Comment by YourFirstFriend
(Jun 3 2012 6:44PM)
 (12 years ago)

Firefox error::Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies. Google error::The webpage at http://www28.ownskin.com/os3_create_theme.jsp has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.

ok i will check that ... download this software and run c cleaner to make clean browser > http://download.piriform.com/ccsetup319.exe  -   Comment by YourFirstFriend
(Jun 3 2012 6:40PM)
 (12 years ago)

can you tell me what u got in error ? wheat there u seen in error ??????? (12 years ago)

i am trying Firefox and it give me error too (12 years ago)

use this software to make clean cookies and other automatically from browser > http://download.piriform.com/ccsetup319.exe  (12 years ago)

download this firefox browser and try again .... copy this link and paste in your web address or download > http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/12.0/win32/en-US/Firefox%20Setup%2012.0.exe (12 years ago)

I think the problem not with browser (12 years ago)

Google chrome,opera. but i try to create theme from another PC and it give me error too (12 years ago)

which browser you using rory ?  (12 years ago)

the error came from browser ,but this error happen only when i create theme not in wallpaper or flash (12 years ago)

@rory can you tell me what u got in error ? what you seen in error ? is that error coming from website or browser ?  (12 years ago)

i can create wallpapers&flash, but when i create theme it give me error.so i click on the error ,the browser opened page wrote on it something about cookies ,so i delete all cookies but still the problem  (12 years ago)

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