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 Money Or Honey ???

honey  (11 years ago)

Only Money  (11 years ago)

 (12 years ago)

ok guys  (12 years ago)

honey  (12 years ago)

MONEY  (12 years ago)

Money hai toh Honey hai (12 years ago)

I want to put my view in just One Line "You can loose and get MONEY again but there is no way ofgetting your loved one once youlost his/her"................. so go and get money,play withmoney,think about money money money BUT never Underestimate your loved One because of MONEY because LIFE IS ONLY ONCE....you'll never get your loved one again..... (12 years ago)

money and honey are pretty much interlinked to eachother. this clearly means whther life is more important with or without the money? money is important but it is noteverything.In todays world where ure bank account makes u more of a man has taken its stride...unless and until u ve cash and u show tat u do is all tat matters. and i guess d nxt gen should realise for the fact tat were not here just to make money but also to give meaning to life wich surely is not done throughmoney..... (12 years ago)

yes money in todays world have gained alot of importance. everyone needs money to full fill his/her worldly desires. I mean in todays world if you dont have the money then it becomes really difficult to survive.IF WE TALK ABOUT HONEY THEN ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE THE MONEY CAN TASTEIT. everyone has realised theimportance of money.value of money can never degrade.Even govt. needs money which is looking after the country or state. when there is disaster in the country we need money to handle it.even the so called NGO's cant run if they run out of money.Quote" MAKE MONEY TO TASTE HONEY ''  (12 years ago)

Money is sweeter than honey when u believe Money is everything. When you realise the tastes of life greater than money, only then Honey seems sweeter. (12 years ago)

Is money is sweeter thanhoney in today's world ??  (12 years ago)

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